De badged!


Registered User
Mar 5, 2010
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Took the plunge and went out there with the hair dryer. 10 mins later - no model badging on the boot lid. Quick polish and no regrets. I'll post a picture when allowed to see what others think!:icon_thumright:
This is a very subjective 2.0T FSI S-line Quattro was debadged at new. Sometimes I think it looks very cool and 'understated' - other times I think I would like to see it is in fact a 2.0T quattro (when like this, the only outward identification of it being a Quattro is the badge on the passenger facia above the glove box)

I mean no disrespect to other A4s but apart from the twin exhausts, without badges it can look like a tdi S-line?

I mean, would an RS4 or S4 owner ever debadge?!

I'll put a picture of the back end on here if someone can tell me the best way to post a pic?
I mean, would an RS4 or S4 owner ever debadge?!
I intend to do just that when I get my S4. :)

IMO external badging is just an announcement to people around you about what you drive. All I care about is that *I* know what I'm driving and that I like how it looks. I've never liked the look of model badges on cars so I've always removed them.

I couldn't care less if other people know what spec the car is.
Nice one Bill, however if I had an S4 or RS4 I would want everyone to know!!
It's probably just me but I think sometimes it works but other times I think it looks like the car has been in an accident and had a respray.

I can't decide.
I removed mine, as I just hate the build up of grime between the letters and numbers. Clean new look
I'm thinking of a semi de badge....Keep the A4, lose the 2.0TDI. I did a similar thing with my last car, took off the Vauxhall and Astra badge, just left the VXR.
I've been planning on doing mine for ages - Thought about a Nurburg Ring sticker, but wasn't sure if i'd look like a chav - Thoughts lads??

I inadvertently done it on my company Focus i had in my last job - Just jet washed it and they flew off....

Do you just need to heat it with the hairdryer then?
On my Cab 1.8t S-line It came debadged. Just the Audi rings and the S-line on the side.
And yes, I may have told the odd lie saying that it is a 2.0T I mean how do you explain to a chick that a 1.8t is as powerful as a 2.4V6... sorry:whistle2:
Re. the removal, its just a case of warming the badges gently with a hairdryer. As the metal letters warms up it allows you to gently prise them away. I used my nails and a credit card, no screwdrIvers!. Then some lighter fuel or similar to take away the residue. You can't tell they were there.
I debadged a few weeks ago too, I left the rings though, I thought it would have looked a bit odd without them!
I took everything off the boot bar the quattro badge........but have since refitted the rings :icon_thumright:
Nice one Bill, however if I had an S4 or RS4 I would want everyone to know!!

yeeaah see I like that idea myself aswel but I could go out today buy the full rs4 kit and slap the badge and you'd clearly think I'm
driving an rs4 . . Only because of the badge when it's clearly a 2.0.

Also my method is debadge the car soo when somebody pulls next to you and thinks it's something ****** and standard . . They wount know what's hit them when you pull off
Thanks guys.. you gave me the idea to debage my audi b7 and the difference itjust looks so much better! :-D
Did mine today too, but only removed the 2.0TDI and left the A4 and rings on. Although looking at it now i reckon i will probably eventually take the A4 off aswell.
I am thinking possibly trying to find an s-line badge of some kind for the back.......anyone else tried this???
i kept the rings on.. i origonally took the 2.0 tdi off and thought the a4 didnt look right on the left so off it came.. just the rings letf and it looks specail will get a pic up for you and u can decide what u think

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