Is my clutch going? Funny symptom inside...


Registered User
Oct 30, 2008
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West London

Is my clutch going?

If i hit the throttle a bit or giving it a boot, when i change gear my rev needle jumps a little and then continues like normal. Is this an early sign for my clutch on the way out!?

I thought it was me not releasing the clutch quick enough on gear change and hitting the accelerator without releasing the clutch completely. But i've put my foot down and done a quick change but concentrating on my feet where i lift off the clutch and hit the accelerator all in time, but it still does it a bit!!

Thanks people

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Sounds like you're changing gear with the throttle still engaged.

I noticed when i first got my S3 that the revs rise unless you ease off the throttle earlier than other cars i've driven - this may be due to the flybywire throttle.

But I wouldn't worry clutch slip happens while in gear and accelerating in higher gears from low speeds normally
See that's what i've been thinking but i keep doing it! But then i think is there something wrong with the car and it isn't me? I've never had this on my previous cars so i find it really odd.
Yeah sorry Mike, thought i'd chuck that in there before someone read it but you were too quick lol
No problem. You will be happy to know its a cheap fix if a new switch is needed, only £12 when i bought mine. The part number is 1J0 927 189 F .
I ahve a problem where its more noticable with 3 in the car, but when on the motorway if im going at 3k and decide to plant my foot, the car cant seem to regulate boost, or the vclutch cant grip, its just doesnt pull as it used to.. and seems to rev strangley then grips and we progressively go.

Im unsure if its a boost leak or clutch.

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