Battery Problem


Registered User
Aug 20, 2006
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Have a problem on our A3 2000 1.8 which is driving us loopy.

Battery slow discharges. But its intermittent so when not in use for a few days its dead. The battery (1 year old) tests Ok and the alternator is charging ok but something is draining it.

Anyone had a similar problem and can offer any suggestions.

Have you had any beeping from the boot area when you start her up? Common problem in A3's that the alarm batteries get knackered and start setting off the alarm, this could be draining it. Have you had a handsfree kit, iPOD adapter or alarm fitted recently
i had the same sort of prob with my battery. would work fine if used every day but if left for a day or so it would be dead. i followed the problem back to a loose connection from the headlight switch which controls the rear number plate light. the number plate light kept coming on randomly which killedd the battery off.

May not help but it could be a possibility for your fault.
Thanks for suggestions.

No beeping from the boot and no handsfree kit. Will check the headlight switch connector but when you catch it leaking I don't think the rear number plate bulb was on.

Many thanks for suggestions. Help much appreciated.
I had a similar problem not so long ago... after replacing the alternator, I found that there was an earthing fault from the battery. I secured a new earth cable from the battery to the underside of the gearbox and hey presto!

Good luck!