Not an A4, but good lord check out.....

WOW !! Now thats an awsome build. Proper Kudos for the metal bodywork etc.

I will leave it here for the mean while then maybe stick it it builds and projects, even though it's not a member here, its awsome,wicked and sexy, so worth an abuse of power,LMAO
sexy as hell, i love those audi's

werent they built to compete in the american series of summin?????
must weigh a ton with all that metal
I was just about to say that, the car is going to be lardy!

But then again, the motor does not look shy of a few ponies :)
That is MEGA!! Must have taken ages and a fair few££££!!!
Fair play to him!
I totally & utterly respect work gone into it, makes any mods I do seem pathetic tbh, kudos
Looks stunning...too fat to get in my garage though, alone build one in it LOL