The Ring in Oct, spare seats available


Going with the flow.
Staff member
Nov 5, 2008
Reaction score
Birmingham UK
Leaving on Friday 23rd Oct coming back on Sunday 25th.

I will be going with my mate in his cossie and some of the Subaru Legacy boys and have two seats spare if anyone wants to occupy them.
Ferry and fuel to be split three ways and you will have to book your own hotel, I have details of where we are stopping though.

And he will have spare seats in his cossie if you want to go round
We will be leaving Friday morning on the midday ferry and coming back on the Sunday midnight ferry.
I saw a police BMW in Gosport, with a ring sticker on the bottom of the rear bumper. Couldnt get a pic as he had his lights on and was not hangin around. I wonder if they test them before ordering the cars for the fleet.
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