B5 S4 Questions, looking to buy this month


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Mar 1, 2009
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Hi guys, I've wanted a B5 S4 for quite a while now and have now decided to do something about it! I'm looking to buy one this month, but have the following questions..

1) Is it worth paying extra (sometimes up to £1500 extra) for an S4 with low mileage (50-70k)? I'm thinking it's not really worth it due to the fact that the V6 itself should go on easily up to 200k but I'd like a second oppinion!

2) Would a B5 S4 with 100k miles lose any significant performance over it's stock registered power output?

Thanks in advance!
1) no, and seen as the timing belt is due around 80k, it probably pays to get one thats done slightly more than 80, to ensure thats already been done. Low mileage can often indicate a car thats not been driven much, or has done lots of short trips.

2) doubt it.
i jus bought my b5 s4 nogaro blue an i can say that mine is on 94,000 and its immaculate, i seen s4's on 60,000miles up 4 sale for £8000 that are nowhere near up to my standard inside or out so i can honestly say that its not worth spendin 1500 - 2000 more jus 4 an S4 with lower milage, jus make sure if you get one over 80,000miles that its had its cam belt and other belts changed then the engine should be bomb proof. let me know if your gettin the S4 soon. WOT AN AMAZING CAR i love mine, good choice
Thanks guys, and S4twiggy, I'm getting one as soon as the right one comes up! Maybe tomorrow, maybe in a few weeks but I really dont want to rush this one! Really can't wait though, sounds like you've got yourself a winner there . Nogaro blue is my number 1 choice atm but I'm also open to black. Are you tuning your S4?
any decent owner will have changed the belt plus ALL the associated items after 5 years as a precaution rather than wait for 80k - the manual recommends this
My advice would be look at its condition, service history and owner. Lower mileage in itself doesn't guarantee its in better condition but all other things being equal it is better. I would be inclined to spend as much as you can on the best condition S4 you can. A few people on here have already found out that a "cheap" S4 has suddenly becomes a very expensive S4 in a very short space of time.

Don't rule out a car that has not had a timing belt done, you can use this as a bargaining point. Unless you really know what you are doing it is probably worth budgeting for a new MAF, 710n's, F hose, throttle body boot, temp sender, which would be under £200 for the lot. I would also take it to a tuner (one who knows S4's) and have a power plot done. The S4 engine is pretty complex and its worth knowing for sure everythings as it should be.

The S4 is a fantastic car, had mine for 5 years now, but can be expensive to fix when it goes wrong!
its worth remembering that a lot of the common faults, (vac pipes and hoses, bushes etc) are items which perish with time, not mileage. If the cars mileage is low enough that the timing belt has not been done, and the belt is reaching its 5 year suggested interval, then i'd be changing that too.

As Mwarrey says, you should budget for some new parts, underbonnet hoses (Fhose, tbb etc), dump valves and temp sensors, i'd be changing as a matter of course. I wouldnt change the maf unless it was required though. The front suspension arms and the rear bushes will most likely be a bit knackered after 10 years, more so if the car has higher mileage, and i'd budget to change them anyway, as even if they're not audiably knocking or have any visible play, they go soft, and it really improves the feel of the car to fit shiney new ones.

We baught a pile of parts for craigs S4 (although we;ve not fitted them yet), 2 new DV's, new CTS, new N75 valve, afterrun mod sensor, fhose delete pipes, 1 way valves and some other little bits, and it came to just under 200quid.
Cost us £330 from german ebay for a set of Meyle front suspension arms, ARB droplinks and TRE's, We havent done the rear bushings yet, although i think they do probably need done as they dont look that hot at all, and the cars on 89k
My old one was remapped at 70k and I sold it with 120k on the clock and it still drove like new, pulled like a horse.
Audi S4 is a great car I get my one few weeks ago and I was very lucky because my one is special its T reg 1999 74000 miles when I get it now its 75000 miles and with FSH I get it for £4450 for a S4 I think thats very cheap maybe it was because the owner he was 70 years old :icon_thumright:

Any ways take your time and wait for the right one to come :icon_thumright:
hey crash. yes mate i am gona tune mine, there a few things i want to find out 1st though but yea im tuning her. im interested in gettin it done by MRC tuning. ive read and seen videos of his cars an lets face it their animals, i dont want mine too powerfull but close to 350-400 bhp ill be happy, so ill consult the professionals wen it comes to it. id like to go into detailing my car aswel. i went to a meet sunday and i thought my car was gleaming(it was tbh) but this guy turned up in his S3 and we started chatting bout detailing and he stuck an led torch on mine and compared paints, lets jus say ive seen less haze in a bob marley concert. so my plan for the car is to get it into show condition and tune it. any advice is welcome
You'll struggle to get 350bhp on the stock turbos. MRC have managed it with some cars though.

If you're looking for more, you'll need to invest in some K04 turbos (the ones used on the RS4) and a whole heap of other toys.
yea i guessed id have to stick ko4's on it cheers mate. im new to the S4 so still learnin and willin to learn about the S4. wot else do you need before gettin good power? is my S4 good 4 310bhp on standard internals without touching it?
They're good for around 500bhp on standard internals
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