Magnetic dampers on an S3?


Freezing in Moscow
Oct 6, 2004
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Hi. After an Audi-free few years, I am contemplating now buying a new S3 Sportback.

Has anyone tried an S3 with magnetic dampers yet? If so, do they make a worthwhile difference? The one I test-drove had normal dampers and seemed to ride well enough. I tried a Scirocco with the magnetic dampers and it certainly seemed good but hard to compare directly.

Also does anyone have photos of what the panoramic roof option looks like from inside the car? There wasn't an A3/S3 with it when I went for my test-drive so am not sure what it is like from inside the car.

All advice gratefully received! You might stop me buying a BMW instead....
I had S3 07 with standart suspensions, now I have S3 sportback with magneetic ride. For me it's worth paying a bit for it, specialy if you live in a country with planty bad roads like Poland. When you drive in normal mode suspension is softer then in standart S3, when you turn sport mode on it's stiffer then standart. Only think I don't know yet is how long they will be working corectly I' ve done till now 7000km and evertyhink is ok.
Thanks for that. So you reckon they are worth the extra expense - that's useful to know. I'd hope they are covered by the three-year warranty and not considered consumables?! Does anyone know what the position on them is?

I've driven through Poland en route between London and Moscow, and I agree that your roads are pretty terrible in places! Though not as bad as in Latvia and Russia!
I've driven through Poland en route between London and Moscow, and I agree that your roads are pretty terrible in places! Though not as bad as in Latvia and Russia!

Yes, but it a bit anoying when you drive in to western Europe, maybe in 20 years time in Poland will be better

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