Random banging or clonking on o/s/r of my A3?


Registered User
Mar 29, 2007
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Hi all,

I know this is a difficult one to comment on but i seem to randomly get a quite loud and serious noise, like a clonking or sometimes loud bang which sounds serious from the back. I always stop and have a look and there is nothing visable.

Jacked it up and took the wheels off ages ago when it happened but once again nothing, it passed its MOT about a month ago as well so was hoping they would of picked up on something.

Not sure what to think or if anyone else has ever had the same?

Any advice much appreciated.


As it's a quattro do you have rear anti roll bars? If so it may well be the bushes need replacing. QUite a common fault on th S3 but not sure about the A3. I guess it could be if you have the ARB
is it happening lots or just occasionally? i it getting worse or staying the same?

Hmm I occasionaly get this on the S3 from the osr as well, i put this down to arb bar and bushes and got them replaced, however it still comes every now and then. Looking at the shocks and springs and all is well no cracks, but the rubber washer for the spring has perished at the base so my guess is that the top is the same. As a result it's spring on car rather than spring on rubber washer on car.

However I won't know for sure until I get my suspension changed and this part replaced.

Just my thoughts.
Thanks guys thats really helpful!

Yes its random, i wasnt sure if it was a spring moved when I had gone over a bump, cant see any cracks in them.

Should they have picked up the bushes on the MOT? if not will have a look, any idea of cost if it is these?

It doesnt seem to get worse no, infact it done it once as I pulled into the drive and it was really banging, I thought the back had fallen off and was dragging on the floor or something, got out and look and nothing!

Another thing, in case its connect, when I change gear or dip the clutch I hear a click or crack, its not like a release bearing or anything but am baffled by this as well, maybe connected?

Talking of springs I had thought about lowering it possibly, is there a fav choice on the forum to maintain ride quality and give it just a little drop?
have you given the exhaust a wiggle by hand.... see if it replicates the noise, you might have to wiggle it quite hard.:shutup2:
I had this on mine but was more consistent turned out to br the REAR AXLE BUSHES they were shot!! :sob: