A3 Brake Light Bulb Change


Registered User
Nov 4, 2007
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Hi there, new here but found you while trying to change the n/s brake-light bulb. I unclipped the bulb housing, but there's not a lot of space there to work. I thought I'd fitted the new bulb, but as I pushed the housing back in the bulb fell out and is now rolling around inside the rear light cluster! Anyone got any ideas how to get it out? And then how to know it's properly fitted before I lose it again? Any help appreciated!
inventing time travel would allow you to go back to moments before you fitted it and then you could tell yourself to make sure it's fitted correctly.

remember though, the same matter cannot share the same space so resist the urge to touch yourself
Yeah your better taking the light out, its easy anyway just fiddley, make sure you dont loose the nuts when your taking them out
Doh! Think I'll try the vacuum cleaner first - this'll test Dyson's "No loss of suction". Other than that, it's back to a dealer for the lights to come off.....
Rob821 said:
Doh! Think I'll try the vacuum cleaner first - this'll test Dyson's "No loss of suction". Other than that, it's back to a dealer for the lights to come off.....

are you serious.. to remove the light it takes to remove a few 8mm nuts from memory it is 4
Is that all? I thought there was more to it! If only the manual actually had some info on (what should be) simple things like changing bulbs! Now I just need to get a suitable wrench and see if I can dislocate my fingers to reach into that tiny space to get to the nuts!
shineydave said:
you are Dale Winton and i claim my free T shirt, lol


But seriously, are they put together by genetically-modified mutants? Why are things that might need changing at the roadside so difficult to reach?
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