Possible ebay scam?


Looking for Boost!
Staff member
Sep 4, 2003
Reaction score
Solihull, Midlands
I recently sold an item on ebay for an extroadinary price, it wasn't a stupid amount, but certainly someone thought they we're worth 67quid, when I was happy to get 20 for them.
Problem I have is payment is by Paypal or cash on collection, written in my description, but the buyer says he's having problems with his Paypal a/c, so wants my bank a/c number to transfer the funds instead of wasting my time.
He has 2 feedback, and I apparently have a home address, so what do you guys think?
Scam or not?
Yup. Tell him to open a new Paypal account if there is an issue with the current one, or collect and pay cash.

When he refuses report him to Ebay.
Sounds like a scam. Probably ask to ship it overseas as well.
eBay will refund your fees.
Shipped to UK mainland only, I've sent him a message to say I'm not going to send him my bank details, and he has until Thursday to pay, so plenty of time for him to sort out problems, see how it goes then...
I have the option of second chance, but I find that an odd way of selling the item, the buyer would think he's been cheated, as the eventual winner has forced his bid to the max!
Just print your bank account number with your item description, hey presto, problem solved.
They can't actually do much with your bank details. You do realise every time you send out a cheque your account number and sort code are shown?
Ask him to post a cheque instead, and he'll have to wait 5 says to clear.
LottieA3 said:
Is your mind at ease now Jo?

Sort of, just found it odd that someone would pay such an amount for the item! I don't wish to disclose the item details or my ebay ID, hence no mention of it haha.
just to add a bit onto this if you do get in this situation and the foreign person sends a cheque DO NOT cash it especially if they say for example his uncle, brother, mother whoever owes them money, say 10 thousand, but item is only 6 thousand this is cheque scamming and the bank can legally take the whole 10 thousand back when the stolen cheque is found by the rightfull owner. this is being a popular method of fraud as it takes alot longer to find a missing cheque from the back or middle of your book and by the time this is discovered the bloke has made off with your item the 4 grand you sent him back and your left 10 grand and the item down...
Well, I've got the money in my Paypal a/c and spent half of it on something else already, so hopefully no comebacks. It did require me to log in to my Paypal a/c to accept the deposit though, which I found odd, never had to do that before?
His name isnt George Agdgdgwngo is it
if you never had to do it before you may have just given him your account number and password. i should change it fast as you can buddy...it is like when the last scam about sending web pages such as bank web pages that looked like the real thing but were actually their own set up pages that they had access to...best thing is change it...
No, I never click onto links that lead me to Paypal, I always type in paypal in the address bar to be sure, I know what you are on about though, similar to those getting your bank detail scams.

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