Audi S3 8p for a 17 year old (good or bad idea?)


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Mar 25, 2024
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Hi everyone,

I am in search of a second car for my son and came across a hidden gem in the form of a 2011 Audi S3 8p - he’s been driving for around a year and he is into motorsports (mainly rally!) and loves all sorts of sportscars so he wants his second car to be a bit more powerful and mainly more enjoyable as he is currently driving an old VW up which are good little cars but its not very practical for him anymore as he is starting to be out and about a lot more now constantly picking up passengers in the form of old school friends. Anyways, to the point, my main concerns are insurance and power. Going from 70 odd HP to 260 is a massive leap and my main worry is how easy they are to control because I don’t want him to end up in a ditch if possible. and insurance wise I was thinking about putting him on our family fleet insurance, but I have no idea if they would even let him be a named driver as insurance is so hard to find for newer drivers.

Basically, what I'm trying to say is that if anyone knows if its possible to insure a 17 year old on an S3 please let me know, and also if they are safe enough to be in the hands of said 17 year old/ a driver with not a lot of experience.

He's also mentioned that he would like to do a few engine mods e.g. blow off valve and a sportier exhaust but we both have very limited knowledge when it actually comes to working on a car so tips and tricks would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
I doubt any ins company will even touch him to be honest , a 17 year old in an S3, and even if they did it would be silly premiums too.
I think you'll find he drops into the category, high risk driver in anything let alone an S3, sorry to be a bit blunt but I think your asking for miracles.
best of luck though.
Not the best car to let him loose in .
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I got a quote for family fleet insurance under my name and he would be a named driver for around 180 pounds a month which isn't bad at all but i am still worried about the power and speed , thanks for your comment though much appreciated #
Unless you can think of some other cars that would be more suited for him? sorry, not the most knowledgeable on this sort of stuff haha
Reactions: Charlie Farley
Have you given any consideration to the Audi A1 Smaller car smaller engine comes in a variety of options diesel or patrol.
Have you given any consideration to the Audi A1 Smaller car smaller engine comes in a variety of options diesel or patrol.
No but i will look into it, thanks!
I was going to mention adding him to your policy but it would be better that he gained ncd discount and valuable driving history etc under his own ins policy.
Lots of more than suitable cars out there, unless you really want him on your ins and the possible pitfalls that entails, just look at something less performance orientated and slightly older.
We've all be 17 and wanting that special car, but in reality, it normally goes tits up very soon after .
Reactions: Rob Avant
Just had the thought of myself at 17 being given access to a powerful car like an S3… I got into enough trouble in an MG Metro. Of course everyone’s different and I’m not suggesting that he’ll be driving too fast or dangerously. I’d probably work up to the S3 with something in between like a slightly warm Golf/Polo/A3 etc. I’d also want to be building my own no claims up so to achieve the quicker car in a few years time.
Reactions: Charlie Farley
Both my lads want to be added as named drivers to my wifes S3 - they are both in there early 20‘s but there’s not a chance even if I was prepared to pay the premiums.

Driven sensibly an S3 is as easy to control as the next car, possibly even easier with the Quattro system especially in the wet. Start to explore the cars potential and then it can get you into a lots of trouble very quickly and it only takes 6 points in your first 2 years after passing your test to lose your licence.

£180 pm for insurance sounds very cheap even for a named driver albeit it’s sounds like your son would be the main driver which could lead to some interesting question's in the event of having to make a claim. Likewise the engine mods would need declaring and would likely further increase insurance.

The A1 and the smaller engined A3 mentioned above however are great alternative suggestions and are well worth a look
Thanks everyone for your comments, i think it would be wiser and cheaper to look into getting an A3 rather than the S3!
I bought an S3 (albeit an 8L) when I was around 20 - it was the first ‘fast’ car I’d ever driven. I’m a sensible guy but looking back I think I’m lucky not to have had any accidents. I almost binned it at a roundabout on the way home from buying it! Sounds crazy as 250bhp is nothing these days, but it’s still seriously quick when you’re coming from your first car as I was (a clio in my case).

On one hand, the temptation will be to steer my kids clear of powerful cars for as long as possible when they’re old enough to drive. But on the other hand I feel having a bit of power did give me an appreciation of just how dangerous fast cars/driving like an idiot can be. I’d say I’m a better driver for it.

That S3 did also spark an addiction to fast old Audis which has cost me thousands over the years, so that’s something to watch out for!
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