How to remove Boot / Tailgate Release Handle Switch?


New Member
Aug 29, 2022
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United Kingdom
Trying to remove my oem Boot / Tailgate Release Handle Switch button to replace it with a reverse camera button instead and finding it very hard to remove. Are there any guides on how to remove this button or advice anyone could share, would be greatly appreciated. Thanks all.

Audi A3 2013
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Having fitted a reversing camera myself quite recently I can say that removing the handle is a real bu33er!
After removing the two fixing nuts there are plastic tabs at each end of the handle which have to be depressed from the inside of the boot lid while pressing on the handle to ease it out. If you look at your reversing camera you will see these tabs. You can’t actually see them when the handle is in situ, but they are accessible (just) through small holes in the metalwork on each side of the handle. You may not see the holes at first glance, but they are there! You will need a tool shaped rather like an Allen key to press the tabs in through the holes. Very fiddly job. Some people actually use an Allen key, but I made up a custom tool from a 6 inch length of 1/8 inch diameter steel rod stuck in a file handle, and with the last 1/2 inch or so bent over 90 degrees.

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Having fitted a reversing camera myself quite recently I can say that removing the handle is a real bu33er!
After removing the two fixing nuts there are plastic tabs at each end of the handle which have to be depressed from the inside of the boot lid while pressing on the handle to ease it out. If you look at your reversing camera you will see these tabs. You can’t actually see them when the handle is in situ, but they are accessible (just) through small holes in the metalwork on each side of the handle. You may not see the holes at first glance, but they are there! You will need a tool shaped rather like an Allen key to press the tabs in through the holes. Very fiddly job. Some people actually use an Allen key, but I made up a custom tool from a 6 inch length of 1/8 inch diameter steel rod stuck in a file handle, and with the last 1/2 inch or so bent over 90 degrees.

Hey Mike, thanks so much for the reply. I've just come back to the computer, have been non-stop trying to get the button out and then I stumbled upon this tutorial and all I can say now is that I feel like a real idiot. I unscrewed the bolts and was trying to force it out from the top and bottom using plastic wedges. I had no idea about the clips on the left and right side as you said and the guide I found mentioned. Very happy to say I've now got it out - regardless, thanks for your reply. Hopefully will help others in the future.
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