Replacing EFB with AGM ; to recode or not to recode?

Harry Gee

Registered User
Jul 13, 2017
Reaction score
Plan to replace my battery as stated above ; the more I read the less certain I am about whether it is necessary to make a trip to a garage to recode for AGM or simply to drive off and give the car electronics enough time to adjust to the new battery?
Also , do I need to connect a 9V battery to the terminals before removing the battery so as not to lose any info?
Definitive answers would be much appreciated as I need to replace my battery asap!
You need to recode, in order to charge the battery as it should for an AGM version - as well as for the capacity, if you installed a larger one.
info, settings, etc were not lost with the battery disconnected for about 15min,
Yes - change battery coding to ‘fleece’ as AGMs are charged differently to EFB, new serial number and capacity.

The only thing the 9v battery does is stop the Christmas tree dash errors when starting. Just drive a few hundred yards and they sort themselves out.
Thanks for the replies
I dont have the ability to recode but the car is going in for a service shortly after fitting the battery; any idea how much if anything , Audi will charge to recode?
I hope that just using the car a couple of times before recode will not do any harm?