S3 rubber boot mat...

Hal Adams

Well-Known Member
VCDS Map User
Aug 8, 2016
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Will an S3 owner tell me if the pattern on the rubber boot mat is special to the S3 please?

I have started watching a Netflix series called 'Criminal'. In the firts episode the cops have their man due to the imprint of a boot mat that is only used in an S3 on a body being carried in said boot! I am just interested if this is the case so I can take my hat off to the writer if he knows this level of detail:friends:
I looked into S3 rubber floor and boot mats and there aren't any for UK right-hand drive but you can get S3 rubber left-hand drive floor mats so may be the US did a very special S3 boot mat, the plot thickens...
I've got a genuine A3 8v carpet syle boot liner for sale which has a water proof backing & also has a flap that folds out over the rear bumper so if you are loading a dog or items it won't scratch the paint. Perfect condition as no longer used as i'm in an SQ5 these days. Message me if interested.
Boot mat as in the rubber boot liner? i had one in my A3 and im pretty sure the pattern is used in the A3 and S3. not seen one with S3 branding.


Interesting. The boot mat/liner in the program was different - it had little oblong squares...a bit like the chunks in the Q3 liner.

I looked into S3 rubber floor and boot mats and there aren't any for UK right-hand drive but you can get S3 rubber left-hand drive floor mats so may be the US did a very special S3 boot mat, the plot thickens...

mmm. The program is set in the UK, but maybe the baddie imported a US S3 boot liner...!

I guess the writer probably used some poetic licence which is fine. He or She though must be an S3 fan as the baddie's car was described by the cops as up-market motoring...:thumbs up:
Interesting. The boot mat/liner in the program was different - it had little oblong squares...a bit like the chunks in the Q3 liner.

mmm. The program is set in the UK, but maybe the baddie imported a US S3 boot liner...!

I guess the writer probably used some poetic licence which is fine. He or She though must be an S3 fan as the baddie's car was described by the cops as up-market motoring...:thumbs up:

There is a hard boot liner. Forgot about it! Like this:


Both are genuine Audi. Both have A3 and not S3 branding.
I re-played the episode and looking closer, yes the writer did use some artistic licence:

Here is the car:
IMG 0099

And here is the boot liner in question. on close inspection, it is not Audi oem quality, so it is artistic licence to suit the plot!

IMG 0102
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