Black cap or yellow cap....?


Registered User
Mar 31, 2019
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Something light for a Friday.

A fixing screw goes through the 4 on my number plate, and I reckon it's mostly black text that it covers = use black screw cap.

However, the black cap impedes quite heavily on the yellow space. And the yellow space is a defining feature of the number 4 - a bit like Slash (of Guns'n'Roses') top hat.

What do you think would look better...the black cap overlapping on the yellow space, or a yellow cap overlapping on the black space?

This is prime importance to my sanity.

I will not paint half of the cap yellow.

Suggestions welcome...and if enough people go for yellow, I will go down to euro car parts, pay my 79p, and upload the results as you will all be desperate to see.


  • number plate.png
    number plate.png
    676 KB · Views: 223
Stick with the black,if you put a yellow one on it will stand out to much and make the 4 look weird,black is more subtle too.
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get some new plates and loose the screws altogeather and use sticky tabs
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Reactions: MuPPeT_ON_TouR, Rich76 and Craig_RS
ok then black then as agree with other comment i think the yellow will stand out more
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No screws at all
I have a new set to fit this weekend and will either be fitting them in a surround or sticking them
Really hate the way screws look
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Some strong screw hate going on

But what colour would you pick if it was life or death?
Take the cap off and just have a rusty screw head
Personally i would buy some new plates and stick em on

Sent from my SM-G960F using Tapatalk
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