Audi Dealers - trade in etc.


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Aug 4, 2016
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As some of you may know I'm looking around at my next car.

I'm 2.5 years into a PCP. My car has a "future value" of almost £10 900. I currently owe ~£12k and I need to be within a month of the 36 months to VT.

I've looked at MINI and Ford in the last couple of months and they both were nowhere near ready to offer the outstanding finance or even what the car is "worth" in September.

Yesterday I took a long call from Edinburgh Audi offering the deals of the century. Buy now, to beat the Brexit price increase. I explained how I'd looked at other cars and about the valuations offered. I said I'd probably look elsewhere after handing the car back. I also had a right good moan about the joke that is Audi servicing prices.

He was laying it on thick about coming in this weekend in order to get an amazing deal. I told him to give me an honest offer for my car and I could well be interested. He promised to email me yesterday. Guess what? I'm still waiting.

Looking more likely ever day that this A3 will be my one and only Audi.
Reactions: Audi Bairn
Think yourself lucky mate lol mine has a FV of around 5k/6k n ive still got 9.5kish outstanding. How that works i dunno
. VT in a couple of months is my only option but im over on the miles so lets see how that works out

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Reactions: KenL

Ah well,but to be honest yer really only window shopping as you've still got at least 5 months to actually change yer car....if yer buying a in stock model that is
Reactions: Audi Bairn and KenL
Vt was designed for people who were struggling but was used and abused by all. the finance companies have caught on to that now. They now offer you very low deposit and higher monthlies so that your vt point is very close to the end of the 3/4 year agreement. They even go as far now offering you cash back for your trade in so your deposit is low which will make your vt point later in the term to the point it’s not worth doing a vt. Essentially the higher your deposit the quicker your vt point is. They also make more interest from you the lower your deposit as well. Win win for finance company.
Reactions: Audi Bairn and Ron240
Yesterday I took a long call from Edinburgh Audi offering the deals of the century. Buy now, to beat the Brexit price increase.
lol how can they say that when no deal has been done....nobody knows what is happening.

Just wait until your 36 months is up and then you will be in a better place to make a deal, as they know you can give them the keys and walk away. No px car to mess around with if you go to another make either.
I know, absolute fantasy!
Dealer emailed this morning confirming best he could do was 10k for the car. So 2k negative equity and it is worth 1k less than the GFV in September.

I expected it would be worth about £9k in September making Audi out by about £2k in their future value prediction when I bought it.

Had a right good laugh when I saw they have a 1.0tfsi for sale in the garage. It has done 10k less miles and is a 5 door. They have it priced at £15 250!
Reactions: Jassyo06
lol I recall when they offered me a stupid price for my S3, saying "That's what it's worth". I then pointed out they had exactly the same car as mine with more miles on it on their forecourt for £5,000 more!!! They used the excuse that it would cost them £2,000 to prepare my car for sale!!! I laughed and said "Even if that was the case you are still trying to make £3,000 on it".

I sold it to a specialist sports car place who appreciated it more...this is his advert when he was selling it:

Try Tootle for yours mate, free and easy to use.
Reactions: KenL and Audi Bairn
Thanks. Might try tootle with a month or 2 to go.
Reactions: Jassyo06 and S32B

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