Roof Lining Swap


Registered User
Apr 8, 2018
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I had a courtesy car with a black roof lining really liked it ....

Has anyone swapped theirs ? Anything I should look out for ? Seems you can get all the parts on eBay for anywhere from £150 upwards . My only concern is how you transport it in the car ... lol as it’s the size of the car ....

Or has anyone got a Sportback with a black roof with B&O who wants a grey roof ....
Should be straight forward but time consuming. Need to work smart and slow as a "fold" = need to start over with a new one. Get yourself a bag of replacement pressure clips as you are bound to deform / break some. You should also find the workshop procedures for this as it will detail the steps needed to remove / replace.

Hope you enjoy rattles as you will prolly have a few once the first fit is done, nothing that cannot be sorted out however.
Thanks mate . Sounds like it is a job for a long summer day then... and a saved search on eBay Will dig out the VM with the PFL workshop manual on . Never did find one for FaceLift cars ...
Thanks mate . Sounds like it is a job for a long summer day then... and a saved search on eBay Will dig out the VM with the PFL workshop manual on . Never did find one for FaceLift cars ...
There never was one as ElsaWin became ElsaPro and moved online in order to prevent cloned copies before the FL revision was released. Procedure should be the same as the PFL vehicles.
it is time consuming to get all the bits of trim off before you even attempt to pull the lining down. I had half mine down to replace the curtain side airbag. If you are going to try sell old one you need to be careful not to crease your old one removing it.
I think the problem is with buying a second hand one. It’s most likely to be creased when you get it as it will be rolled up or folded for delivery. It’s not the easiest thing to package.
Seen so many get creased from even simple things like replacing a dodgy aerial.
Thanks the ones I've seen for sale so far don't seem creased defiantly not folded ! I would expect to pick it up myself ...
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