Facelift Bluetooth phone connection issues after rear camera retrofit (streaming still works)


Registered User
Nov 25, 2018
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Hey all,

I'm having some odd issues with the bluetooth connection on my FL S3 Saloon. I can connect Bluetooth Audio without any issue but cannot connection Bluetooth Phone connection (tried on multiple devices). Also the Audio portion requires a manual connection at start up. This all began after a rear camera retrofit.

Everything was working great before I did a rear camera retrofit using the Kufatec kit (including their programming dongle). Here's what I've observed:
  • A VCDS cable scan picked up some 'No Communication' faults with the '17 - Instruments' component, which were timestamped with the exact time I did the camera install
  • After I cleared the faults and my phone connected again without issues
  • Once I started up the next time I had the same phone connection issues (audio was still good)
  • I've checked a few times and I'm no longer getting any faults on the Instruments component
  • Digging into the coding for the components with bluetooth options shows all are still activated/in the coding
Also - on the rear camera install, I foolishly didn't disconnect the battery and popped the main fuse for the MMI components on install...replaced the damaged fuse and everything seemed to be working fine. So I'm thinking this is what might've cause the one-time faults noted above. Still find it odd that clearing the faults allowed the phone bluetooth to start working for one start.

Any ideas on what might be causing the issue and tips on a fix?

So when you say “rear camera” you mean reversing camera? I presume you have already tried deleting the phone and making a new Bluetooth connection?
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So when you say “rear camera” you mean reversing camera? I presume you have already tried deleting the phone and making a new Bluetooth connection?

Yep, reversing camera.

I have tried deleting the phone completely (plus pairing with other phones). It pairs fine via the Audio pairing in Connection Manager but fails using the Phone pairing option (even after already paired via the Audio option).
I suppose it’s possible something got fried when the fuse blew. Why did the fuse blow? Unfortunately, fuses take time to burn out and in that time components can be damaged. Let’s hope it’s not that and someone can suggest something else.
Have you checked the coding before and after you used the dongle?
The dongle might have coded something incorrectly or wasnt designed for your setup as variations like b&o could well be different to one without. Like most Audi’s there’s probably a million combination for the same thing or even software revision.

Unfortunately I didn't check/save the coding before using the dongle. I had a look through all the modules I could think of (mostly 17 and 5F I think) and didn't see anything that seemed wrong.

However some part of the coding being a bit off is my suspicion. I've emailed Kufatec with my VIN to see what they say.

Anyone happen to know which module the Bluetooth Phone coding is a part of and any specific spots in the long coding or adaptation settings to look for?
Might be worth finding someone with the same spec car as yours and see what coding/adaptation are like from factory.
I know it’s a bit late now but I always run a full scan before I start messing about. Always weary about these plug and play dongles and things like obd11. Maybe it’s just me but I like to know what’s been done so I can reverse it if it all goes wrong.

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