Facelift conversion questions


Registered User
Sep 14, 2018
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Im in the process of gathering parts to do a facelift conversion on my 2006 Audi s3 but I’m unsure on exact parts needed. Can I buy a new facelift front panel and swap the rad pack, bonnet catch etc etc straight onto it? Or do I need a complete front panel from Audi s3?

If first question is yes can I remove front panel without disconnecting intercooler, rad, air con?

Also are facelift bonnet hinges needed?

Might be worth having a search through some off the builds + retrofit sections as i am sure some lads done it a long time ago , maybe put ( audi-sport.net/subject ) into google great way off finding posts that are on the site
Yes you can separate the front panel without disconnecting intercooler radiator or condenser just 4 screws at the front

Facelift front panel art.nr: 8P0 805 588 L
Non facelift front panel art.nr: 8P0 805 588 A

Facelift hood hinge left art.nr: 8P0 823 301 B
Non facelift hood hinge left art.nr: 8P0 823 301

Same numbers but different versions so they SHOULD be interchangeable.
The last letter in the art.nr is showing what updated version of the part it is.
Ok cheers

Question Headlights? What do I need are they all the same across models from 2009 to 2012 or are s3 a specific type?

Also after market oem panels ie wings bonnets are they any good or are they best avoided and get second hand?

Cheers guys
The headlights are mostly the same, some have adaptive steering (you can tell by the dark grey v light grey at the side of the light).

Get genuine/second hand panels IMO. Saves on any fitment issues.
Ok thanks

****** hell the’re expensive even second hand!!! I suppose eBay is the only place?

Don’t suppose anyone on here is breaking a black facelift 8p ???

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