A3 8P Android HU rear parking sensors input


Registered User
Sep 4, 2018
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Hey, i have purchased a Xtrons headunit with the Android 8 version.
Before the android headunit i've had an "Audi Concert" system, and the parking sensors were only making audible feedback.

My car has flat reverse sensors (i suppose geniue from factory as they are flat..), but when i switch to reverse only the reverse camera is displayed and no input from the reversing sensors.

Is there any way to display visual input from the parking sensors in the headunit?
It did come up with a canbus decoder \ adapter, and steering wheel controls work fine.
It even automatically detects when switching to reverse.
Haven't a clue how you would go about fixing that professionally but why not get in contact with @Ash187 or try @NHN as these are the site's Retrofitters and are very good at it

Doesn't support it, but don't know why you'd want it? You have already got the camera and the audio from the sensors, if you still can't tell what's behind you don't need a graphic on the screen you need a chauffeur
Reactions: ch1z64
Doesn't support it, but don't know why you'd want it? You have already got the camera and the audio from the sensors, if you still can't tell what's behind you don't need a graphic on the screen you need a chauffeur
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