Help please - just had a bump


Registered User
Aug 15, 2004
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Sorry very naive about these things. Just had my very first ever bump and wondering where I will stand insurance wise. Situation was this - coming up to a roundabout behind another car. The entrance splits into 3 lanes, the left hand of which is to filter left off the roundabout. This left lane is marked to continue straight around to the left i.e. no markings to stop. You are supposed to go straight round to the left. The guy in front approaches slowly and then moves off in the left lane. I briefly look to the right to make sure no one is cutting into the lane and when I look back he has slammed his anchors on for no apparent reason and I went into the back of him.

The guy did not speak very good English and didn't seem to understand what I said about the road markings. I think he was trying to say he stopped because of another car, but if so I didn't see it. He did say it was his sons car and that he was on his insurance. We swapped details and left the scene.

Getting home there is definite damage to my car as the bonnet won't go down properly and one of the headlamps is pushed in slightly.

A couple of questions - where do I stand regarding insurance? I haven't admitted liability at the scene, but will I definitely be liable because I have run into the back of him. The police weren't involved - should I have called them?

Sorry - so naive about this and wishing I knew more.

Any suggestions gratefully received.


As I understand it mate it is your fault for running into back of car in front I was involved in a similar collision 25 years ago ie car in front braked severely at roundabout for no apparant reason.Plod came and said it was my fault you should always leave plenty room between you and the vehicle in front.
Sorry this doesn't help much its a bummer but thats seems to be the law .At least no ones hurt
Unfortunately you are automatically at fault as said above, sucks but them's the rules.

Just make sure you get a copy of his claim form incase he's tryin to pull osme kind of scam (i.e sayin there were 3 passengers who all have whiplash)
Just hope he's an illegal immagrant with no insurance.

As already said though, if you go up someones **** (ooh er misus!) you're to blame.
I think legally you need to report the accident to police within 24 hours, police only need to be called to the scene if anyone is hurt.

I think you need to have exchanged "driver numbers" according to the highway code at the scene, but no one knows them, so generally name and address is it.
be interesting to see if he is fully insured though, was it a UK registered car or a foreign car?
simch said:
I think legally you need to report the accident to police within 24 hours, police only need to be called to the scene if anyone is hurt.

I think you need to have exchanged "driver numbers" according to the highway code at the scene, but no one knows them, so generally name and address is it.
be interesting to see if he is fully insured though, was it a UK registered car or a foreign car?

UK registered and insured - have spoken to his son whose insurance he is on.

Looks like I'll be taking this one on the chin - ah well.


You don't need to tell the police if there are no injuries.

Sorry but you are at fault if you ran into the back of someone, whatever the circumstances. Gutting.
Unlucky mate, that's an old the roundabout and I thought he'd gone!!!!! Some people need the biggest gap before they'll actually decide to go for it. :search:

A pet hate of mine roundabouts and people who don't know how to use them!

Hope you get your car sorted.
Sorry to hear about that B. Hope you get it fiaxed.

Just watch out now - the car will have been 4 up all suffering whiplash