Curbed my wheel and diamond cut refurbishing


Registered User
Mar 21, 2016
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Stupid me, finally curbed my wheel pretty bad.. Took it to refurbishing and was told it will come out a bit shinier where it's polished, and it did... Did they do a decent job or is there anything else I could do to hide it better?

After pictures...
Reactions: rnm37 and Azz
I'm by far the most detailed eyed in the world, but from that last pic at least, can't see where it was curbed...looks good

If you don't mind me asking, how much did it cost to get sorted? Fingers crossed will never need to have mine worked on though.....
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Reactions: Azz
Looks great! Just a small note, there are several well made DIY guides on Youtube if you ever get a small scratch in the future and don't want to pay a professional.

Just a quick question, what brake discs are you using? Experienced any noise while braking or small cracks in the holes?
i had soemthing similar curbed slightly.... so i bought some fine sandpaper, metal polish(autoglym) and lacquer.

did a decent job, not visible on the eye unless you look close up.

personally getting one refurbnish alwayws looks different color to the other wheels., an idea would be to wait till more get damaged as its inveiatble hitting curbs. even parking up on curbs is dangerous
@oli356 Actually, it’s pretty obviously but the pictures just don’t pick them up well, you can see where the polishing starts and ends.. Refurbishing isn’t expensive where I’m at, it’s about GBP40.

@Lehn If the damage isn’t that long, I’d DIY it, plus it’s pretty deep in several spots so just figured I’d turn to to the pros.. And the discs are OEM GTI Clubsport S front discs and pads, no noise and bites a little better, no cracks so far, don’t think they will crack as I don’t track and never had any OEM drilled discs crack before...

@Azz This is my first curb in 2 years as I’m usually pretty careful, this happened when I overtake someone at a not so familiar road and the curb had a sharp corner sticking further out than normal which I wasn’t aware...
Reactions: Azz
Those initial pics break my heart outstanding job on the refurb!

I did a full 360 on the front passenger side wheel of my old Corsa (SXi trim so it had brilliant wee alloys) 2 weeks after passing my test a few years ago, I've maintained an irrational fear of kerbs ever since.

The worst thing is wheel damage going through potholes. At least if you kerb it you know it's your own fault, when it's from a pothole or a bump it feels particularly unfair.
Here's a better picture with flash, you can clearly see the original finish is coated and the newly polished area is butt naked.. Anyone know what kind of coating the original finish is? Could I just spray it with semi-gloss clear coat and try to match it better?

If you are not too fussy. That is not a bad job. A full, one wheel lathe refinish, cost me 160 quid.

Edit, just had a look at the last photo, if that sanded, polished area is not coated with clearcoat you are in for the surrounding area having corrosion issues. Check with the guy who did the job that he applied lacquer or clearcoat and watch out for non combatibilty of the two clearcoat finishes. That can cause bubble issues.
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Keep an eye on that split in the tyre as well! Last thing you want is a blowout!
It doesn't look like it's coated, I'll find out from the guy tomorrow... But meantime, does anyone know if Audi sells clearcoat touch up for wheels like BMW? If so, anyone know the part number?

And yeah, just saw that split in the picture and went checking it out, it's actually surface it looks like so it should be fine, thanks for the warning tho!!
Reactions: S32B
Did you not want a skim cut or was the defect too deep? hence the polish.

Why not polish the whole outer lip on a lathe and re-finish.
I'd have had it re diamond cut, that looks like it's been flatted and polished so doesn't match the finish of the rest of the wheel?
Diamond cut is just a fancy name for machining... The finishing difference is due to the coating, the clearcoat used isn't a completely clear or semi-glossy coating I've supposed, or the surface isn't polishing, it's just machined finish to begin with, so I just want to match the dullness by toning it down a bit.

To be clear, the DULLER part in the last picture is the ORIGINAL finish, the SHINIER part is the REFURBISED finish...
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Sorry bud, but to match you will either have to polish entire lip like for like and re-coat else diamond cut / re-machine the wheel if depth allows. If you strip the coating back there will be a difference as you see between the machined surface and repaired / polished defect.

Look closely and you should see the machining lines finish on original and on repaired area it will be mirror like.
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