Trading In a Newer Car for Old?


Registered User
Dec 16, 2016
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Want to trade a newer Audi for an older one how would it work with regards to what they owe you? Would they just bank transfer you the remaining or just push you towards a car of the same value?

For example a newer Audi A3 worth 11K trade , then chopping it in for a car at their garage worth 8K...

Just wondering :relieved:
I would reckon they should give you the cash back either via bank transfer or cheque , best bet is go in to the dealers and talk figures but be prepared with numbers eg what you want to pay for the car and what you would like for trade in , Garages can be funny with stuff like this as they will want to give you as little as poss for trade in but will want a premium on the car they are selling .
Good Luck .
You're going to take a big hit on your wallet. Best to sell car privately and buy another privately as well.
Cheers guys.. Looks I'm keeping it, trying to save for a house seeing if it was financially better but I'd take a hit and it would be hassle. No guarantee the older cheaper car will run smooth without problems either.
In my experience no dealer will want to part ex older for newer as they wont want to part with and cash, they only want you to trade up, i guess they make more that way