Internet Explorer problem


Registered User
May 28, 2006
Reaction score
worcestershire, uk
my friend has just rang asking if i can help her with a problem with her internet.

she says she can connect but it wont display any page, and keeps saying "page cannot be displayed, site maybe busy try later etc, or check settings

she using ie6 and hasnt done anything to her machine, and its started doing this yesterday.

any ideas? i dont use ie i use firefox and havent had this problem so not sure of cause

she trieds different web sites but gets same result each time

im going to visit someone in hospital so havnet got time to search net, so hoped someone may have some ideas for when i get back

First thing to check would be whether the work offline option is checked in the file menu. Usually turns up when there has been some form of problem but stays checked and prevents connection to any live pages.

Just a case of clicking it again to uncheck it.
try going Start>run> Type CMD >enter> then type ping and see if you get a reply. If you do then at least you know the internet connection is working. then its the next step. Let me know.
Wow Blue_turbo, you're a big help!

Is she on dial-up or broadband?
In IE, go to tools>Internet Options>Connections tab>Lan Settings> and make sure that the "Proxy" tick-box is not ticked.
shes on broadband, have done ping test and got no results, modem lights are all on and all cables are connected properly

Its not connected for soe reason. Have you checked the Work Offline isn't checked?? I know it sounds obvious but I'm used to troubleshooting my Dad's problems haha
ok where would she find that?, as here tools option etc is different to mine as im using firefox so cant tell her where it is?

On IE6 its just in the File menu I think. I'm on IE7 or Firefox myself now so cant check it. Its just a case of checking there is no tick against it in the drop down menu. If there is just click on it to remove it.
Its not connecting properly for some reason. I know you checked the connections but have you tried disconnecting them all and reconnecting?

Which ISP is she with mate?
orange, she gets it free as she has her mobile phone contract with them.

shes going out now, but i have asked her to check its plugged in properly, ill go round tommorow and have a look myself, if shes not sorted it

Could be a DNS issue. Instead of typing "ping" try "ping"

If you get replies then its probably the DNS settings that need checking. If you don't get replies then I would check with orange that everything is configured correctly.
I've got the same although I got mine when it was wanadoo. Free is always good. Give me a shout if need be when you call round there.
arthurfuxake said:
Wow Blue_turbo, you're a big help!

Is she on dial-up or broadband?
In IE, go to tools>Internet Options>Connections tab>Lan Settings> and make sure that the "Proxy" tick-box is not ticked.

Lol, hey just stating a fact! Had conection probs all the time with IE, especially IE7, since getting Firefox all has been smooth...

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