Incoming A4 Avant S-Line 1.4

Still waiting for pics...
Looks great, I would like to know what the engine is like in such a big car.. some cracking lease deals on at the minute for the 1.4 TFSi in black edition..

More pics please :)
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The engine is sufficient for road commuting IME. The size is not very relevant particularly with such a low Cx (0.23). What's more relevant is the weight and the B9 entry level car is 120kg lighter than the equivalent B8, in no small part thanks to the smaller engine, which also means a more agile front end and better balance. The gearing is a bit long though but you can't have it both ways with mpg I guess.
Looks great, I would like to know what the engine is like in such a big car.. some cracking lease deals on at the minute for the 1.4 TFSi in black edition..

More pics please :)

Put your best deal(s) on here, might help someone else or someone might point you to a better one.... share the wealth and all.
I am paying £6k total over 2 years for 10k miles a year, those deals have stopped I believe. I don't know what the BEs are though.
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Silly question - what do you mean by a faster rack?

And that pic looks brilliant, what a nice car! Obviously would be nicer in Manhatten grey but you can't have it all... :p
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Yes grey is great but any non-metallic is £25/month. A quicker rack means you can put as much steering lock without turning the wheel quite as much.
Got any side on shots? Wanna see that Avant loveliness!
I am paying £6k total over 2 years for 10k miles a year, those deals have stopped I believe. I don't know what the BEs are though.

B9 A4 deals seem to have been around from the off. They are generally always good but sometimes great to fantastic. Don’t know your exact payment but it’s certainly still possible to pickup an A4 1.4 Sline 10k 2 years for around £6500. Avant deals seem less common if it matters. Auto adds around £1000 for the term.
Think you mean Daytona ;)

I don't think so...

Yes grey is great but any non-metallic is £25/month.

Though in seriousness, this car looks fantastic in all the colours offered. Agree about leasing, options become so much more expensive when you essentially fund the full cost across your rental term.

I was torn between Black, Manhatten Grey and Moonlight Blue. Would have LOVED Nardo Grey but I don't have the money for an RS!
£8,620 over 2 years ? That's what I was saying about the support having dwindled. That's 44% more than I am paying for an S-Line.
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well, I think there are a few things at play. Not least Audi price increased nearly £1000 on s-lines, on top of that Black edition is £2k more than s-line...
Also, not 100% as its confusing as hell, but are the 1.4's due more road tax as of this year?

Prices currently roughly @ 2 years 10k.

£6500 Sline - 21%
+£500 Estate - 21.5%
+£1000 Auto - 23%
+£900 Black Edition - 22.5%
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That's precisely why I chose the car as it was under the 20% mark in estate, too good to ignore particularly as its my favourite spec on smaller 18's and slightly more discreet.
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Sheer luck you know. The funny thing is I bought on price and didn't really care what car I ended up for £3k / year amortised. But now I do appreciate the value that I am getting out of car that is worth much more than that objectively. Even a decent Tiguan is more.
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Sorry for the lack of additional pics. Been really flat out at work. The car is now filthy so I'll take pics when I have given it a bath and sealed it, probably at Easter.

Oil level has gone down 2 notches from max on the app. How much oil is that ? 100ml per notch ? Sorry couldn't find info in book.
That takes some serious effort.. I’ve decided Nickfrog.... your a tightwad :haha:
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Ah. It was hard work and the norm is around 40mpg but traffic was light and the wind behind me that particular evening... Quite boring yet very relaxing. Overall average now at 39mpg but the wife has the car tomorrow so probably down to 35mpg...
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Haha... yes my other half uses the brake and accelerator like a switch, it’s either on or off :)

I’m 35mpg if I don’t think about it, 40 if I try and be nice. The guy who delivered it had it reading 52mpg god knows how he managed that.
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48mpg is really good going - I'll be curious to see how I go. Coming from my diesel A-Class that regularly reports 60+ mpg I think I'm going to be disappointed whatever I get.

I'm curious how accurate the onboard computer is on the A4. For the last 2 yrs I've been calculating my MPG manually every time I fill up and I find the Merc over-reports MPG by 15-20% depending on the distance travelled between refills.
I should add, the standard dials/instrument cluster looks fantastic - the screen in the middle is making me doubt the virtual cockpit, I'm convinced the novelty will wear off.
I was showing mine off to a new A1 owner today, her jaw was scraping along the ground. I don't use the nav display on the vc much but when I do I am still impressed...
Never! Like pop-up headlights the novelty will never wain.

I’m 2 weeks in and I never have it on lol only for showing it off to people lol.

But then again I never use the Sat nav on a daily basis
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Looks fantastic, makes me even more impatient to get mine.
Is the 1.4 still delivering the goods in terms of economy?
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Dave, overall average since new has been stuck on 38.7mpg for weeks. I checked the calibration by doing a refill test and it's within 1mpg of reality so not Jimmy Nail.

It may appear a little disapointing but my mileage profile is not favourable, a 25 miles commute compromising of rush hour town traffic, hold ups, roundabouts, etc etc. I occasionally do a motorway run where the car can deliver 45-48mpg average with most of the driving at 75/80.
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Cheers. Nothing fancy just Finish Kare 218 sealant, cheap and cheerful. What makes the paint pop is the fact that it's black and flat as opposed to metallic. The dealer was good enough not to swirl it and that has been maintained since then with careful washing.