Got my REAL first compliment.....


T-Cut King !
Mar 9, 2013
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Went to the local ATM tonight for some Dot.... Dash..... a chap..... who had just parked before me to pop into the shops, stopped me and said.... Probably knowing it was indeed my car.... Said... "Is that your Audi..... mate"...... "Aye a replied"...... He then said" cracking looking car and that's a stunning colour" ..... I said cheers mate thanks very much..... First time a total stranger has said anything apart the car salesman on handover day..... But hey they'll tell you anything... Lol.... I don't look for any affirmation.... on my chosen car or colour.... But l have over the past 6 weeks thought a lot about..... My colour choice..... Most of them thoughts fall into the Hate..... Category.... Lol l mean l purchased a colour l hadn't seen before.... Etc etc.... And this wee compliment has made me day really...... As for the car l love it, it's done 700 miles in the last 7 weeks 1200 in total.... It just a occasion every time l open the door and hop in the drivers seat...... Just thought l would start up A Thread with wee bit of positivety..... to it..... in this otherwise dull forum...... Lol
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The last compliment I had was when I got stopped by a road closure and the arresting officer said 'got a bit of power that'...
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The last compliment I had was when I got stopped by a road closure and the arresting officer said 'got a bit of power that'...

..... Naughty.... Boy..... Lol
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I have also l noticed more animosity from others on the roads..... Just in general..... Wanting to have a go etc.....l don't take the bait..... etc etc..... Even a ****** Nissan Juke..... Stalked me for a 20 miles the other morning going over to my mums...... he was a Nutta...... To the least........
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I have also l noticed more animosity from others on the roads..... Just in general..... Wanting to have a go etc.....l don't take the bait..... etc etc..... Even a ****** Nissan Juke..... Stalked me for a 20 miles the other morning going over to my mums...... he was a Nutta...... To the least........
Take that bait!!

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I have also l noticed more animosity from others on the roads..... Just in general..... Wanting to have a go etc.....l don't take the bait..... etc etc..... Even a ****** Nissan Juke..... Stalked me for a 20 miles the other morning going over to my mums...... he was a Nutta...... To the least........

Yeah that happens a lot......

Strange how daft other drivers can be.
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First time a total stranger has said anything apart the car salesman on handover day

Nice when it happens, was parked next to a 3 series estate the other day in local town car park and a guy was just getting his nipper out the car seat and he looked up while I waited for him to finish, glanced at my car and just said "sweet" and as I pulled out I noticed him look over his shoulder as he was strapping the nipper in the buggy....thought about shouting get yer lad to put one on his xmas list, but decided against it :)

I have also l noticed more animosity from others on the roads..... Just in general..

Loving the incognito Floret on mine :)
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Went to the local ATM tonight for some Dot.... Dash..... a chap..... who had just parked before me to pop into the shops, stopped me and said.... Probably knowing it was indeed my car.... Said... "Is that your Audi..... mate"...... "Aye a replied"...... He then said" cracking looking car and that's a stunning colour" ..... I said cheers mate thanks very much..... First time a total stranger has said anything apart the car salesman on handover day..... But hey they'll tell you anything... Lol.... I don't look for any affirmation.... on my chosen car or colour.... But l have over the past 6 weeks thought a lot about..... My colour choice..... Most of them thoughts fall into the Hate..... Category.... Lol l mean l purchased a colour l hadn't seen before.... Etc etc.... And this wee compliment has made me day really...... As for the car l love it, it's done 700 miles in the last 7 weeks 1200 in total.... It just a occasion every time l open the door and hop in the drivers seat...... Just thought l would start up A Thread with wee bit of positivety..... to it..... in this otherwise dull forum...... Lol
@jassyo06 - Wondered if it was your chiselled good looks when I saw the title of the thread ... :whistle2:
But alas, 'twas the stunning voodoo S3 saloon of yours
Pic's or it didn't happen ;) :D
The last compliment I had was when I got stopped by a road closure and the arresting officer said 'got a bit of power that'...
@RO65ERS - Lol :D
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I have also l noticed more animosity from others on the roads..... Just in general..... Wanting to have a go etc.....l don't take the bait..... etc etc..... Even a ****** Nissan Juke..... Stalked me for a 20 miles the other morning going over to my mums...... he was a Nutta...... To the least........
Or Nissan Joke as I prefer to call them
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i got a little head nod off a young lad in the back of a car yesterday when we were stopped at traffic lights, and got the big thumbs up from a fella in a black S3 8L....will have to get the clip off my spat flames when he went past me
i guess people turning their heads at the constant DSG farting and downshift popping doesnt count :whistle2:

colour really is the most important option on a car....
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Nice to hear you got a nod of approval @jassyo06 . It does make your day and I have only got that nod a few times over 10 months, so do not feel lonely.
On the idiots who show animosity, goading etc. I have noticed they show up when you have a car with a brighter hue and medium to light blues fall into that category, along with red, green and yellow. I just ignore them and they are mostly lads with a lot of pimples, in cars with appendages growing all over them and loud bad sounding, cheap exhausts. Plus BMW drivers with the same skin condition as already stated and who got their licenses in a box of rice krispies.
Your colour choice is still a stunner in my humble opinion and yes you are young at heart. I also must admit I love coming out of a shopping centre where the Ara Blue beauty is sitting in a lonely parking stall and then I look at a sea of white, silver, grey and black cars/suvs and say to myself, "you made a good choice Dougie"
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The appreciation in the RS3 is odd, I never had any in the Grey S3 but I’ve driven the RS3 today through Hereford and everybody was looking and drooling. Even pootling along I have seen pensioners stop and turn around, the look of approval is nice.

The best one that led to a smile was two blokes in a Vauxhall VX220 that followed me into a tunnel and passed me with a huge grin and thumbs up, that was great.

I went to pick a parcel up today, apparently my Mrs’ said the guy who brought it out saw me unlock the car and was pretty much swinging on the door in anticipation to come out but he clocked her in the car and went back in. I’m talking about day 2 now, this car is going to get some attention I just hope none of it bad.
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I get everything from asking me to rev it at a red light to goading me into abit of racing normally Bm drivers:tearsofjoy:, the weirdest one was a guy asking me how much I paid for it at another red light, got to stop using roads with traffic lights :tearsofjoy:

PFL rs3
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I have also l noticed more animosity from others on the roads..... Just in general..... Wanting to have a go etc.....l don't take the bait..... etc etc..... Even a ****** Nissan Juke..... Stalked me for a 20 miles the other morning going over to my mums...... he was a Nutta...... To the least........

Not just me then that thinks the vast majority of Nissan Juke drivers are not the full ticket then, had more than my fair share of Juke' drivers pull out of side turnings or cut me up
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I have received similar comments; its a good feeling although one time....

On returning to the car from a supermarket once I seen someone looking at mine. I was parked at the other side of the car park from the entrance so clocked him from a distance. This guy had parked next to me and was checking out the front and up the side. My heart sank as I thought he had hit it, when I got close I asked if there was a problem. He said no not at all and was very complimentary. I still had to give it the once over to check for damage though!
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My first (and possibly last other than family etc) came from a Morrisons (other supermarkets are available) delivery driver. This cool type dude came to the door whilst laden with my fruit n veg and asked if was a special order colour...bespoke was his felt good....but he then proceeded to ask (and assume) about all the extras it must have come my 5th "er no" I had gone from elated to pano was a grand I kept repeating lol....he then spent 10 minutes telling me of all the supercars he knows of....mainly customers....even had some pics on his phone!!!....oddly he knew every extra and its worth...the car's worth almost to the penny (panny) but still thought that Floret was an exclusive colour..........never did see him again......thankfully
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Went to the local ATM tonight for some Dot.... Dash..... a chap..... who had just parked before me to pop into the shops, stopped me and said.... Probably knowing it was indeed my car.... Said... "Is that your Audi..... mate"...... "Aye a replied"...... He then said" cracking looking car and that's a stunning colour" ..... I said cheers mate thanks very much..... First time a total stranger has said anything apart the car salesman on handover day..... But hey they'll tell you anything... Lol.... I don't look for any affirmation.... on my chosen car or colour.... But l have over the past 6 weeks thought a lot about..... My colour choice..... Most of them thoughts fall into the Hate..... Category.... Lol l mean l purchased a colour l hadn't seen before.... Etc etc.... And this wee compliment has made me day really...... As for the car l love it, it's done 700 miles in the last 7 weeks 1200 in total.... It just a occasion every time l open the door and hop in the drivers seat...... Just thought l would start up A Thread with wee bit of positivety..... to it..... in this otherwise dull forum...... Lol

Nice job. It feels good when you get nice feedback on your car. I've had a few compliments, even from BMW owners would you believe it.

I also went up to a guy on the way to Goodwood this year and complimented him on his Nardo ABT upgraded S3 with the numberplate 'CU5 1 CAN'.

P.S. Paragraphs can also be used as well as dots!
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I had a good one this morning on Day 3.

Pulled up at Sainsbury’s Petrol station for a drink (don’t worry, it only ever gets V-Power).. I saw a guy walking back to his van staring. As I got out he dropped his window “that’s a ****** nice car mate”.. yeah it is isn’t it?.. thanks! “What Engine is under there”, “What Power does it have?” “How much did it cost?” Astounded by all the figures. He was itching to get out, he opened his door and said I promise I won’t sit in or anything but can I have a look please. He was nosing all around inside and out, so I started it up and gave it a few blips.. he was laughing.

Put a smile on my face before work this morning, but it was borderline enough to make me nervous. More I think about it the sillier it was, didn’t see if he had anyone in the van with him.. I had the keys loosely in my hand with the car open and then running.
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I get a lot of looks with mine. Viper green isn't very common I'm led to believe. Get a lot of sideways looks as cars pass. My 8P RS3 got a lot of attention too. Just wary of the wrong attention for undesirables
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My car never get noticed, never gets filmed at traffic light or people taking photos, no nods or comments at petrol station, finger pointing, comments off clients or anything
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My car never get noticed, never gets filmed at traffic light or people taking photos, no nods or comments at petrol station, finger pointing, comments off clients or anything

I am sure Vegas yellow will change all of that... Lol
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I think you've pretty much all made good choices on colours, mines Daytona Grey, and I love it! Been my favourite colour for a long time. But Part of me says, should have gone for an exclusive, or one of the blues because I love them all.

I've pretty much been driving in economy for the past month or so now the weather has changed and I'm quite happy halfing my fuel consumption for the time being therefore I've managed to slip a bit under the radar. But Countless times I do see people rushing up from behind to try and get past me which I never had even in my Polo GTI really. Unfortunately I'm immature so I just pop the foot down and dust them. I've only ever been beaten by two cars, an RS6 and GTR coming back from a car show. I think we all know what happened there down the M58 back from Liverpool, they got to 70MPH quicker than I did.

Made a lads ears ring when I downshifted past him in town, bumped into him a few weeks later and he complimented my car and took a few pics.

Had quite a few negative comments which I probably enjoy more than the positives. Someone walking in the road with his arms out shouting stuff at me.
Couple weeks ago I went under a bridge in a one way system and was greeted by a biker in pitch black with no lights, lucky I didn't hit him, downshifted and it cracked out the back. He turned around and started shouting abuse at me. He didn't look impressed when the back slipped out next to him coming out of the junction :D
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Getting a hold of this stunner for the day in a wee while...... It's sure to be a real head turner in San Marino Blue.... I know it's a beemer but all the same a lovely car in a stunning paint colour

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Getting a hold of this stunner for the day in a wee while...... It's sure to be a real head turner in San Marino Blue.... I know it's a beemer but all the same a lovely car in a stunning paint colour

View attachment 142864

Love it! Is it your son who works for ’the other side’? Which company/where abouts if you dont mind me asking?

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Love it! Is it your son who works for ’the other side’? Which company/where abouts if you dont mind me asking?

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lt's his new Demo,he got promotion to General sales manager this week,its in Stirling mate.....up in Baltic Scotland....Company is called Douglas Park,they have Bentley/Maclaren franchises etc etc.....but no Audi....Damn
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lt's his new Demo,he got promotion to General sales manager this week,its in Stirling mate.....up in Baltic Scotland....Company is called Douglas Park,they have Bentley/Maclaren franchises etc etc.....but no Audi....Damn

Ahh damn, i was hoping it would be the same group as one of the ones down here in the north west. For absolutely no reason of benefit to myself at all.

Let him know i said congratulations that’s an epic promotion, i aspire to be around that level one day :)

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Ahh damn, i was hoping it would be the same group as one of the ones down here in the north west. For absolutely no reason of benefit to myself at all.

Let him know i said congratulations that’s an epic promotion, i aspire to be around that level one day :)

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Thanks mate that's very kind of you....on another note he's had M3's M4's at the weekends or on his days off and l have driven both mentioned cars....both in Yas Marina....but to be perfectly honest having been in these cars,they put me off buying/renting a RS3....because for me there's no real difference reaching 60/70 mph from a standstill or in gear speed at legal limits over a S3.....ITS AFTER....70....they just become scarily fast,that's not for me l am afraid...ok for a day.....but fuel costs are
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Thanks mate that's very kind of you....on another note he's had M3's M4's at the weekends or on his days off and l have driven both mentioned cars....both in Yas Marina....but to be perfectly honest having been in these cars,they put me off buying/renting a RS3....because for me there's no real difference reaching 60/70 mph from a standstill or in gear speed at legal limits over a S3.....ITS AFTER....70....they just become scarily fast,that's not for me l am afraid...ok for a day.....but fuel costs are

Umm i’m not a big fan of the over 70 speeds (never been over 70 ofcourse). It’s all about the sound for me in cars that’s what i love the most really.

Got smoked by a gtr and rs6 last weekend and my god they sounded absolutely amazing. Want want want now :(

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It’s frightening to think you can go from a standstill to breaking the law on ANY uk road in around 4 seconds even in an s3

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Getting a hold of this stunner for the day in a wee while...... It's sure to be a real head turner in San Marino Blue.... I know it's a beemer but all the same a lovely car in a stunning paint colour

View attachment 142864
Now there's a real car. None of this toy rattles and bouncy castle suspension malarky.
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Getting a hold of this stunner for the day in a wee while...... It's sure to be a real head turner in San Marino Blue.... I know it's a beemer but all the same a lovely car in a stunning paint colour

View attachment 142864

Stunning, actually followed one of these into Stirling yesterday exactly the same colours. Always preferred the M3 shape myself, but tailing this one had me drooling

Good news for you boy on the job front too!
Don’t know if the Douglas Park takeover went down well with the ex Menzies staff, a lot of the long serving staff have moved on now.

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Nine colour Jassy, but the alloys??.....These are more like it IMO

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Went to the local ATM tonight for some Dot.... Dash..... a chap..... who had just parked before me to pop into the shops, stopped me and said.... Probably knowing it was indeed my car.... Said... "Is that your Audi..... mate"...... "Aye a replied"...... He then said" cracking looking car and that's a stunning colour" ..... I said cheers mate thanks very much..... First time a total stranger has said anything apart the car salesman on handover day..... But hey they'll tell you anything... Lol.... I don't look for any affirmation.... on my chosen car or colour.... But l have over the past 6 weeks thought a lot about..... My colour choice..... Most of them thoughts fall into the Hate..... Category.... Lol l mean l purchased a colour l hadn't seen before.... Etc etc.... And this wee compliment has made me day really...... As for the car l love it, it's done 700 miles in the last 7 weeks 1200 in total.... It just a occasion every time l open the door and hop in the drivers seat...... Just thought l would start up A Thread with wee bit of positivety..... to it..... in this otherwise dull forum...... Lol
Weird, in Berkshire few bat an eyelid with either s3 or rs3....too many flashier motors around here though, r8, ferrari, porsche, etc
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Thanks mate that's very kind of you....on another note he's had M3's M4's at the weekends or on his days off and l have driven both mentioned cars....both in Yas Marina....but to be perfectly honest having been in these cars,they put me off buying/renting a RS3....because for me there's no real difference reaching 60/70 mph from a standstill or in gear speed at legal limits over a S3.....ITS AFTER....70....they just become scarily fast,that's not for me l am afraid...ok for a day.....but fuel costs are

Rs3 is a bit quicker but the fl handles way way better, rides far better in dynamic and cornering is astronomically better and sounds far far far far better. The latter is the most disappointing with the s3 as it sounds lame. However, under every day normal driving conditions the s3 is miles more than you ever need.

Actually even a 150 bhp a3 is more than enough as there is too much traffic and idiots in the road. I think people who don't indicate should instantly lose their licence, morons.
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