Who needs enemies when you a have neigbour that does this.....arghhhh

Charlie Farley

Chilling out.
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Jun 13, 2014
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At Home
As in the title really chaps, spent a few hours on Saturday polishing the old bus and it looked nice , took it out for spin sunday morning, still looking spanking......went out for walk in the afternoon and came back to find this mess all over the car , ground and everywhere..................seems that my neighbour had decided to clear some trees in his field during the afternoon and then have the mother of all bonfires for the rest of the day....argghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh is the polite version, what a plank or what.
still burning stuff today and more over my car, who need enemies when you have neighbours like this...

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Did you speak to him @Just Rob or did he apologise? He deserves to be gang-banged if he didn’t.

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neither yet , I was too angry about it and may have lost my cool .....I will be having words tomorrow I think as the bonfire is still going strong...
It is annoying and I can understand what you must be going through. Maybe you should leave a ‘Durex’ under his wiper blades just to make sure he can’t reproduce assholes like him anymore.

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Have a bonfire of your own...

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yes , I was tempted Gaz but the wind allways blows our way so i'd just be shooting myself in the foot..lol , good idea though.
I had a problem this summer with a neighbour lighting fires in his garden, 2 / 3 times a week.

I talked to him politely, he wasn't happy at first, but when I showed him a video I took from different days, plus this link below.. he's not lit a fire since.


You were right not to talk to him when angry, but take photos & video of the damage to show him.

If you don't get any joy, you will need to phone your local council.

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Sensible @Ghost

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thanks for feedback guys, best put my Mr sensible cap back on then for now....
Does he post on here? If not then you’ll have to speak to him.
no, he is not really bothered about cars ..probably why he wasn't worried about my car getting covered in fall out..
In the dark of night, pour some petrol through his letterbox, and then put a load of unburnt matches through to sit in the puddle on his doormat.

That should send a clear message.

Please delete my post if you actually decide to do it :cry:
I have the same problem. Maybe not as much as you. But someone in my street has just had her son strimming the grass along side my drive as it's there's. Wet Grass all over my drive and car now as it rained last night. Won't have time to wash it untill atleast Monday as I have to look after my little boy all day while the misses is at work.

Not the mention the possibility of damage from flying stones etc.

One chip spotted that wasn't there before. Fantastic.

Looks like I'll have to buy some touch up and touch it up. Better than leaving it to rust


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We had a problem today with the next door neighbour burning s**t again
It's happened before.
We're in the country and people think you can get away with it just because it's not a built up area.
Had to shut all our windows and vents as the place was smelling like an Arbroath Smokehouse.
We're East of him so the wind usually heads our way from his garden, but not tomorrow .......... revenge is sweet :tearsofjoy:
Thing is, his wife would be the first to moan about it if we did anything.
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Could it be that the neighbour just did not think that the bonfire would have caused this inconvenience to you? Probably best having a friendly chat first before going all Godfather on him/her.

Obviously I'm not familiar with your relationship with the neighbour, so a horse's head in the bed might be appropriate in this situation.
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I had a neighbour like this , fires at the back door for no reason other than to wind me up , smoke blowing through the house , smell awful , but the wife wouldn't let me out to sort it, but eventually I cracked, filled a bucket of water and went over the fence , half the water on the bonfire and the rest over him , and then I walloped him , £60 fine because he got his partner to phone the police , yet she had been screaming a few nights before that he was trying to kill her , I phoned the police out of concern as it went quiet pretty quickly , no problems now as he moved out , but he started doing the same thing at his new house , this time he got charged , ah well sometimes you get good neighbours and sometimes bad , cheers
Well a bit of better news on this front, I managed to have a chat with my wood burning neighbour this afternoon and it turns out he wasn't to blame , well not directly anyway.
I mentioned what had occurred and he was very sorry for what had occurred and said he was not aware of what had happened as he was out allday , turns out that a contractor he paid to clear the field was to blame for the fire and the subsequent mess on my car and everywhere else, probably within a fairly big radius aswell.
Anyway, that's cleared that up in a way , didn't help with the crud all over my car etc but I cant really point the figure at him as it was a paid contractor that should have known better, and he was supposed to chip it all , not burn it.
So still on good terms with him , he's a very nice really aswell no bother at all 99.9% of the time, he is a neurosurgeon and a very good one aswell so best to try and keep on good terms just in case I need a brain transplant....

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I feel your pain. My next door neighbour has been building an extension for over 2 years now (don't ask).

One day whilst I was out gardening I noticed thousands of these tiny polystyrene balls everywhere in the front and back garfen - and these things get everywhere. I must have spent the next few weeks trying to get as many as I could - impossible though really, but it hurts my OCD. It turns out the previous neighbour had had the cavity wall insulation done and as the new guy began knocking things down this realeased all these balls.

Anyway, I though I'd got rid of most of them (that I could see anyway) and I was cleaning my son's girlfriends car one day, when I saw this white blizzard. Immediate thought was snowing - in May though.! I was hoovering the inside at the time and hundreds of these balls were blowing everywhere, and many got into the car before I had chance to slam the door. I spent ages trying to hoover them up from inside the car and since then I am still picking them up outside around my gardens etc.

I know it can't be helped, but these little balls are a right PITA. Maybe they need to use something else for this cavity wall stuff, that will degrade when exposed to the elements.