Struggling to find insurance :(


Registered User
Feb 6, 2017
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Hello all,
I'm 23 and live in a high risk postcode area (B28 Birmingham) and currently drive a 1.4TFSI. My first year of driving too.

Earlier this year a biker drove into me at a roundabout and put in a claim for personal injury. Insurance are still dealing with the claim and there's been no settlement yet.

With my renewal coming up shortly and obviously having to declare the accident and NCB gone, I'm getting eye-wateringly bad quotes around the £2500 mark. Couple lower quotes want a £3k mandatory excess!

Now I need my car for work as it's in an awkward location which requires multiple forms of public transport to reach. What do I do? Shall I sell the Audi and go for a Corsa or something for the year? It's a depressing thought as the whole thing has been out of my control.

Appreciate any help as always on this great forum
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Good point but wouldn't my current insurer hike up the renewal price astronomically?
Not necessarily - if liability is clear cut they may try a modest increase but with a claim outstanding a new insurer is likely to be uncompetitive anyway. You might be pleasantly surprised this renewal. When the claim settles, that's when it should hit your premium the most with the current one, unless they've already allocated a reserve for a successful PI award.
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