well I'm off


Registered User
Apr 9, 2006
Reaction score
Hampshire UK
today I finally did the deal that sees the end of my time with Audi for a while.

I've done a deal to px my 3.2 against a pre-reg 330d M-sport touring, need the space, resale, rwd and a change, oh and 200 miles per tank full of Super U is getting a little expensive.....

I did have an order for an ALPINA D3 due in March but sold the deposit/place in the queue last week for a profit (thanks Autocar magazine for stiring up plenty of interest in the D3, now they are running one) and meant I finally had enough for the 330d

Hopefully Friday I'll collect the Beemer, not sure now actually what I'll miss but mainly it will be the quality and understated image of the A3, but the boring drive and lack of space has meant I need something to compliment my other impratical car,

will try to look in now and then if only to see what I might be able to offer some thoughts on,

its been fun,

see you on the road (but not in the Mad Max kind of way!) I'm not that sort of BMW driver again......just yet!

My 3.2 goes on Friday, I've thoroughly enjoyed owning it. Its a little thirsty but as I dont do many miles that really hasnt been too much of an issue. Its a quick understated car that doesnt attract much attention. I'll keep an eye on here just to see whats happening. Happy New Year to you all.
Steve .......
da3m said:
I've done a deal to px my 3.2 against a pre-reg 330d M-sport touring, need the space, resale, rwd and a change
Good luck with that! I really like the new 3 touring - that would be my ideal model, too. Post up some pics when you take delivery!
out of interest how did you sell your 'place' to someone?
thanks for your thoughts guys,

its the one I was really after (335d would be great but really couldn't justify the extra) but couldn't afford a 3.0 until I made some extra pennies,

I am very pleased with the 3, although I have just found today, it doesnt have bluetooth even though it has the professional nav, so I am pushing to have it installed, as they told me it had BT, anyone know if this is possible to dealer fit (not some tacky aftermarket thing) I expect it to work via the idrive

RobinA3 said:
out of interest how did you sell your 'place' to someone?

in my experience most dealers want to keep a sale so dont want to give deposits back so are happy to take someone else's name or even buy back early build slots on certain cars,

there a number of ways, ebay and other more specialist websites, I advertised the D3 deposit/build slot via Autocar, as they are running one, Alpina are running full page ads for it every week for past month and it is getting great reviews, I couldn't afford the car I wanted so went for the D3, but in the end I was even approached by another dealer to take the build slot off my hands, as mine was to be one of the first Tourings available in rhd

sorry if the answer seems vague but I have made an acceptable amount of pocket money to indulge my car habit in the past year or so by getting in early on likely high-demand and limited availability cars, I dont want to give too much away, hope you understand
da3m said:
in my experience most dealers want to keep a sale so dont want to give deposits back so are happy to take someone else's name or even buy back early build slots on certain cars,

there a number of ways, ebay and other more specialist websites, I advertised the D3 deposit/build slot via Autocar, as they are running one, Alpina are running full page ads for it every week for past month and it is getting great reviews, I couldn't afford the car I wanted so went for the D3, but in the end I was even approached by another dealer to take the build slot off my hands, as mine was to be one of the first Tourings available in rhd

sorry if the answer seems vague but I have made an acceptable amount of pocket money to indulge my car habit in the past year or so by getting in early on likely high-demand and limited availability cars, I dont want to give too much away, hope you understand

thats cool, thats all i wanted to know to be honest, i just wondered where you kinda advertised it etc.

glad you made some money out of it anyway!

enjoy the BMW, and please don't hog the 'BMW' lane on the motorway please!!! LOL
A3 is gone today, here's its replacement, done 65 miles already today only used about a 1/16th of a tank, wooohooo




had to use the dealer pics, its filthy already, ****** weather,

d3fy said:
looks a bit like a Galant estate from the back. Have fun.

LOL now you said that.........................it does

SO what does it drive like then?
da3m said:
in my experience most dealers want to keep a sale so dont want to give deposits back so are happy to take someone else's name or even buy back early build slots on certain cars,

there a number of ways, ebay and other more specialist websites, I advertised the D3 deposit/build slot via Autocar, as they are running one, Alpina are running full page ads for it every week for past month and it is getting great reviews, I couldn't afford the car I wanted so went for the D3, but in the end I was even approached by another dealer to take the build slot off my hands, as mine was to be one of the first Tourings available in rhd

sorry if the answer seems vague but I have made an acceptable amount of pocket money to indulge my car habit in the past year or so by getting in early on likely high-demand and limited availability cars, I dont want to give too much away, hope you understand

Why would someone buy your slot for more than the value of it!!!!! You can get a D3 discounted at the moment from various websites - some are offering around £1K off list.

Unless your buyinig something really limited like an Aston V8, Ferrari etc I can;t see how you can make money on selling your slots. Look at all the stupid people that put money down on the cayman thinking they could make a few quid - loads of delivery mileage caymans around for less than list price...
thanks for that..... almost popped out to check I've got the right one, then I remembered what it feels like to drive,

agree a little in the pic, but no so much in the metal,its probably about half the size at the back of a Galant and a lot lower... but as not really after a load-lugger, I'm ok with it, looks included ;)

RobinA3 said:
SO what does it drive like then?

personally I really like the precise turn-in of the RWD chassis, effortless shove from the engine and after a rapid 40 mile drive through the Hants country-side this afternoon, very fluid through bends and rides better than my A3, even on its RF Tyres and way better than the A4 avant I was considering

and even in rubbish weather today I didn't miss Quattro that much,
marriedblonde said:
Why would someone buy your slot for more than the value of it!!!!! You can get a D3 discounted at the moment from various websites - some are offering around £1K off list.

Unless your buyinig something really limited like an Aston V8, Ferrari etc I can;t see how you can make money on selling your slots. Look at all the stupid people that put money down on the cayman thinking they could make a few quid - loads of delivery mileage caymans around for less than list price...

When I ordered mine, you could not get money off a Touring D3, I still dont think you can now, and of the two other companies I contacted to try to order, none could give me a firm build slot, they didn't have a car in the metal or a existing order and were talking 3-4 months min but not firm.

I know when the Ford ST came out loads of websites offered cars at 1.5-2K off yet had no way of getting them for first 4-6 months as Ford could sell all they had through dealers for list, obviously this doesn't last but there are always people who want something and dont wan't to wait, even on more modest cars.

I'm in no way claiming to be in the Tom Hartley league here but making anywhere between 15-25% on the deposit over 2 or 3 months is pretty good, IMHO many of these people are almost too lazy to go and find a car themselves or to wait, frankly I am happy to take advantage of this.

for balance I was lucky to get my deposit back when I backed out of a 130i early 06 as there was no interest in them, after poor reviews and ready stock,
its a gamble but relatively low risk.
tibbs said:
Nice car, well wear as we say over here, do'nt ask me why :)

thanks Tibbs,

I won't, but I'll take it that's a +ve,

at least you're not casting doubt over its parentage ;)

cheers guys

I'm suprised you made a big chunck of cash on the d3 but good on you.

And i dont think the websites that are showing discount can deliver i'm sure on bmwland a while back someone had ordered a d3 with 1K discount through a broker then they couldnt deliver synter (think they are the alpina dealer) said they wouldnt discount the guy ended up buying 325d for about same price cause discount was included.

Nice car hope you enjoy it i think i'm going to move back to bmw, ain't anything wrong with audi good cars but bm more fun to drive.
a great choice :)

ITs got Two Turbos ? :)

I read the review in a Bimmer mag last month and thought, now thats a car id like.

whats it like compared to the little A3 3.2 ?as im really interested in a comparison please :)

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