Steering rack play


Registered User
Nov 8, 2006
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Hi, on my 1997 A3 TDi Sport, when parked up, I can move the steering wheel side to side with some clunking sound.

Has the universal joint gone on the column? My tie rod ends have recently been replaced and so that side of things is fine.

Any advice/knowledge on this welcome... :yes:
Yeah your UJ is feckled, need a new column, or i think there are some places that can re-press the joint.
wouldn't pass t un joint of js. Look under the car near the drivers footwell/firewall and you will see a nut on the steering rack. You need to slightly tighten this nut and see if you can remove the play from the rack and possibly eliminate the knocking too. you wont get it right first time so try it small amounts at a time.
Ps is the car Orange?? if so scrap and buy a real car like an S3 ( unless you cant handle it) lol
its the column mine did exactly the same thing & column replaced clunking noise gone & the drive felt much better. Pricey about 250 for the part alone.
Hi, just to confirm, showed a mechanic mate MO-S3's post and he got straight under the car and sorted it! Matched exactly what MO has said above. Thanx :applaus:

Car is Red btw, but looks orange in sunlight :(
Also forgot to mention, the major clunking noise was a garage **** up of the tie rod locking nuts not being spannered up tight. They were loose and causing the majority of the play and noise.

Rack adjustment was sorted that eliminated the small noise and play.

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