Kamikaze Fox


Registered User
Mar 18, 2016
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Driving home from work a couple of nights ago I encountered a Kamikaze fox. I was doing about 60mph when i first spotted it run out of the hedgerow towards my car. I slammed on the anchors but there was still that sickening thud. As it was pretty dark I continued on for a couple of hundred yard to the nearest lane way and got out and inspected the bumper. To mu surprise there was no obvious damage and only the driver's side 'fog light' grill had popped out place. Today was my first day off since and I've since discovered that the vent to the aux radiator is broken and the washer bottle is leaking.

I filled up the washer fluid and it all leaked out to below where the two bottles join. I then took out the top half as its easy access and its fine so the bottom half is my issue. What I need help with is the part numbers for the ducting and the bottle if anyone could oblige? I don't really want to go near Belfast Audi as the car is currently under extended warranty and they love the line "all repairs need to be carried out by an Audi approved technician". My local VW dealer has always been great at ordering Audi parts for me on the understanding that I pay full price up front and there are no refunds. I'm happy to remove the bumper and fit the parts myself but don't want to have to do it twice to get the part numbers and then to fit them. Can anyone help?
I had the same in my Golf a few years back. Foxy's noggin went through the bumper grille and smashed the pump off the washer reservoir. Cost me about £125 in parts, new grille, pump, arch liner and sommat else I no longer remember, possibly the undertray...
Reactions: pburv
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