Richard Hammond critically ill


Staff member
Dec 18, 2005
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After a car crash doing 280mph in a jet crash,**** sake I hope the hamster going to be ok
hope hes okay, noone could be as useless in a TG "challenge" way like he managed to, scandinavian flick anyone? :D
skanky said:
hope hes okay, noone could be as useless in a TG "challenge" way like he managed to, scandinavian flick anyone? :D

Hope he will be better soon... Top Gears one of the few TV shows I look out for..
Really hope he is ok, what a top bloke!!

Top gear would be lost without him!!
Just spotted this on the BBC site but knew someone would have posted here already.

Fingers crossed for a full recovery.
Terrible news.

My thoughts are with him and his family. I hope he makes a full and speedy recovery.

Jeez hope the weeman's ok.

If he makes it back to usual presenting, he'll never hear the end of this one. :haha:
here here come on my son pull through you are another legend
A bit daft possibly, but as I was gonna be up anyway and we've already had the thread about late night drives - I've just got back from Leeds General where I dropped off a get well card for Richard and his family - only wanted to mention because I signed it also on behalf of the well-wishers from the site.

Fingers crossed he makes a full and fast recovery eh.


FactionOne said:
A bit daft possibly, but as I was gonna be up anyway and we've already had the thread about late night drives - I've just got back from Leeds General where I dropped off a get well card for Richard and his family - only wanted to mention because I signed it also on behalf of the well-wishers from the site.

Fingers crossed he makes a full and fast recovery eh.



That is a great Idea, thank you :)
Lovely idea to post up on the main page Olly, think that this is the only website I go on that has done that :)
Hope he gets better.
Top Gear wouldnt be the same without him.
Nice one Factionone, it shows the sites respect for him.
Aldo said:
Lovely idea to post up on the main page Olly, think that this is the only website I go on that has done that :)

I'm sure others will follow, we all share the same passion wth "hammy" anyway I thought it was apt :)
FactionOne said:
A bit daft possibly, but as I was gonna be up anyway and we've already had the thread about late night drives - I've just got back from Leeds General where I dropped off a get well card for Richard and his family - only wanted to mention because I signed it also on behalf of the well-wishers from the site.

Fingers crossed he makes a full and fast recovery eh.



Top bloke Rob! I do hope hes ok! from the news this morning it sounded like he had seriuos head injuries :( Hes a real star, TG will never be the same without the Hamster.
Hope he gets better soon, thoughts go out to his wife & kids

faction one - really nice touch - thanks
:sign_omg: Really shocked to hear this on the news last night. :crying:
Here's me, late again.....but nevertheless it's the thought that counts, and I cant think of any words that haven'talready been said above - Top guy...... Get well soon man...

Nice thought with the card...
Top bloke hamster, wishing him the best for a speedy recovery!
Get well soon Hammy.....

His height may have saved him... If he was any taller, it may have been worse, JC would have had his head taken off if he'd been in it..... Not that he would have the guts to ;) (not sure I would either though!)
Just noticed the news as of 2pm today on is that his condition has improved more today.

He's a real blokey bloke, which TG needs IMHO. His Brainiac show is also ace and I hate to think what these 2 shows alone would be like if he couldn't present any more.

They say the first 24 hours are the most critical time and if you get past that then you stand a good chance of recovery.

Isn't it amazing in 2 weeks we have seen 2 great TV presenters involved in major accidents doing what they love to do. Stever Irwin and now Hamster, man I hope I go out doing what I love to do best when my time comes up..............what do I love to do best though?

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