So time for some changes


VCDS Map User
Aug 3, 2015
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time to start tidying up my car a little had a play with my new liquid wrap spray gun today
I did intend on spraying the full car first but Mother Nature decided when I taped and preped my car a couple of weeks ago flash flooding was a good idea and killed a gazebo the car was under (was ****** off big time)
So thought today I'd start small and spray the piano black trim that looked a bit worn (see pics) this is the colour my car is going soon (aliminuim blue pearl) might try taping it up again tomorrow and spray the car over the weekend (will post pics here when done ) what ya think ? P.s I'm gonna do the door handle and the Bose trim too but I want to get the full outside done first..
Reactions: Hookmonster
Not my cup of tea but it does look good mate, got some good coverage too, is it a blue pearl? Love the car mascot
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