

Registered User
Apr 6, 2016
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I had only just 'polished me spiders' and got some lovely new gel number plates. Was going to be calling this morning to find out about getting badges removed. Was woken up by the thunderous roar of RoSi3 leaving my drive with me not in it

Nardo RS3 reg P4 TPB

I'm absolutely choked, not only because the car has gone, but also because I now have it confirmed that there is no point me buying another while I live on this ****** estate

(it sounded great as it went
That's awful and unfortunately I know exactly how you feel having something similar happen a few years back. As much as people said to get another, it took me a long time to pluck up the courage.

Can I ask where in the country you live?
Sorry to hear pal..What area is this in?

Any more details of how it was taken?
Scumbags. Unfortunately a garage is needed in most area's for cars like this.
Reactions: VAG_Club001
Another one gone,sorry to hear but glad you are okay.
Gutting .

Did they break in first and steal keys ?

Any OBD port protection and steering wheel lock ?
langley, slough
Dont know what OBD port protection is and no, no steering lock. Jimmy'd front room window, keys where in kitchen, I heard is start up, looked out the window in time to see a lad with a red baseball cap with his head out of the window of the car drive off.

It was early and quiet, I could hear the windscreen wipers on the frosty glass. I could still hear it tearing along getting out of the estate while I was on the phone to the police.

All my life I've wanted a nice sports car. I said to the wife I would buy a used aston when I was 50. When this RS3 came out I fell in love and can honestly say hand on heart that if I had a lottery win I would not have changed it.

I think it is even sadder that now I dont think I'll bother again, and will probably never be in the position too anyways.

I was so looking forward to the warmer weather, windows down etc. Look, its ****** sunny out !

Anyhow, thats that ! Goodbye cruel world !!
It's very difficult to take and for nearly two years I ran around in an absolute heap of a car because I didn't want a nice new car again. But eventually you'll come back round to the idea, and ultimately we can't let these scumbags win. The only good thing is that you and your family weren't harmed. You'll get your dream car again
Reactions: 45bvtc and jimojameso
Hi mate get this on social media see if it can be found ,sorry to hear this ..
Reactions: 45bvtc
Scumbags. Hopefully you have GAP and you can recover the costs. Also, get a dog! Had my can broken into a few years ago and the police told me, alarms don't bother them if they want your keys, but a dog will. Had one ever since.
Reactions: 45bvtc
******* tossers. For the life of me I can't understand why people steal other people's stuff, really sickens me.

Reactions: 45bvtc and patters
not sure about GAP, looking at policy it does seem to suggest that if the car is less than a year old then they will pay the invoice price. Lets see...
I take it the mobile app wont help find it, it does have the full mmi with a valid sim in it, guess I better get that cancelled too ! Hey, can they not trace a sims location?
Shared on Facebook in South Wales.

Absolutely sickening.. A tracker is a must for me.
Reactions: 45bvtc
Sorry to hear that patters. Glad no one was hurt.

Hope your car is found quickly and you can get things sorted out so that you can live the dream as planned.
Reactions: patters
I,m sorry to hear about you car mate.
Reactions: patters
crying (nearly)
Family are in bed, Joe (10) too scared to sleep in his own bed, is in with wife (mine, not his), me on sofa shitting myself with a tin of beer flashlight and a knife like friking rambo cross rab nesbit, here is what they now have ...

Edit, Joe frightened because he's a smart kid, he was here when the police where here and knows someone was in the house, hence me trying to be protective, I dunno
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Reactions: 45bvtc
Sorry to hear mate.Scumbags.
I keep the keys of the car upstairs at night so they can't quickly take them.(Spare set well hidden)
Ive had 2 break ins in current house but alarm going off made them scarper both times.
Shakes you up for a couple of days though.
Get good alarm system and CCTV.
Was told by a crime guy most dogs are quiet when crooks give them a biscuit.
A Nardo RS3 should be found surely though you might prefer it not to be if fully covered for invoice price.
Reactions: patters
Yeah, CSI or whatever bloke came out and pretty much said exactly what you say. Take valuables/takeables (phone, car keys etc) to bed, they wont come up, typically that arent axemen, more skinny with bottle enough to chance a quick scout down stairs, and house alarm wont stop them, but will keep the visit short.

dont know if I want it found or not, but am worried about some crappy insurance loophole that they will obviously try to exploit. Lets see, and thanks
CSI crime type bloke came out today and said exactly the same as you hood, keep your stuff upstairs. These people arnt hard nutters, they will fight if you try to stop them but 9/10 wont want confrontation and wont venture upstairs, and an alarm wont stop them but will keep the visit short and sweet.
Fav film btw ...
He was quoting the Bible, Revelations. "Behold the pale horse". The man who "sat on him was Death... and Hell followed with him"
dunno what happened there, drowning my sorrow too much perhaps, ohhhhh RoSi3, (cries)
will you be my freind then? I killed my other one
Reactions: AudiNutta
right, I'm going to go into a sleep of some kind. Love you all new audi forum freinds. I suppose I need to forget this message category now as I no longer own an rs3 and go to the a6 avant one if there is one. Goodnite folks, thanks for rubbing my sympathy pads, it has actually worked xxxx
Sorry to hear all the upset caused by this Patters, don't blame you.. I would be a blubbering mess also.

If I can get my hands on one I have planned for a tracker, which has the extra key fob to immobilise the car if it isn't inside when you try to start. I have kicked my parents out of the garage and managed to SQUEEZE by current Sportback in lmao. They would have to get into the garage which would set the alarm off.. get into the car, have to go find the keys which even if they do find won't be accompanied by the key fob so basically the car won't be going anywhere.

The other worry taking such safety precautions is what angry scum will do when they fail to steal it, but I will try not to think of that and hope that they have some good in them.

I really hope that you will change your mind and decide to live your dream again, I can't begin to imagine how off-putting it is but don't let them win. If a next time does arise, I am sure you will have the most secure plot in the county.

Reminds me of another sad story where an RS4 got taken....

Keep us updated on progress, I hope that it does get returned in perfect condition so you can decide it's future then on. There is light at the end of the tunnel for some, someone on my Facebook had a 700hp+ TTRS and an RS3 both stolen together by the same method. Both cars were retrieved within a couple of days, as far as I know he has them back and has decided not to sell.
Reactions: patters and xpoweruk
I'd be loathe to leave my car keys next to my bed. I've heard of stories (and be involved in one myself unfortunately) where this scum will do anything to get a car, including coming upstairs and into your bedroom. A lot of the time they are drugged up to their eyeballs to get pumped up and ready for it.

I'd rather beef up security, doors/windows/locks etc, and if they make that much effort to still get in, let them have it. You don't want them upstairs where you and your family are sleeping.
Reactions: patters and Spaceman_RS3
Get gap insurance and leave the keys visible near the door. Much better to lose your car than have a family member or yourself injured.

On the brighter side I recall back in the 60s A colleague having his Cooper S stolen, got it back a couple of weeks later with minilite alloys, cibie rally lamps, bucket seats and stereo all brand new having been fitted by the thieves and it had been thoroughly valetted ready for sale !!
Reactions: patters, Chimp, Scottyg and 1 other person
Shared on Facebook in South Wales.

Absolutely sickening.. A tracker is a must for me.

Somebody at Audi suggested a tracker may increase the chances of getting car back... If mine was stolen and rogered I would NOT want it back.
Reactions: patters and Bristle Hound
In my view trackers are only for the benefit of the insurance company.
Reactions: patters, Bristle Hound and Foxtrot_Oscar
Sorry to hear of your car going but they didnt have to come up to where you and your family were sleeping as already said and someday they will get whats coming to them .Scum is way to nice a word for these *****************
Reactions: patters
properly panicing now, I am insured with 1st Central, they are not returning my calls, so started googling and there are rafts of horror stories. This nitemare just seems to be beginning
Dont worry worst case you can go to the insurance ombudsmen with any problems and I am sure you wont need to though .
Reactions: patters
It looks like there under the banner of the Association of British Insurers so you should be ok.
Reactions: patters
Oh Dear, some of my later posts last nite reveal perhaps that I had one too many?

Please bare with me if I keep on about this for a teeny bit longer, but imagine this ...

Mobile phone location can be identified through triangulation, signal strength between 3 masts. The car has a sim in it and so would be a subject for the same technique (when the ignition is on and obviously if the ejits who stole it arnt savy enough to remove the sim). I mentioned this to the police, they said that they only use such technology when trying to locate vulnerable missing persons

They also said that a small handful of criminals are responsible for the large quantity of car thefts. If they could use this technique and found one theif, they could potentially save perhaps half a million pounds of car crime, thats only 10 rs3's!

And then saying all that, I switch channels to see police camera action, Pat and Karl are in persuit, there is no escape because they are aided by a police helicopter with heat sensitive cameras and 4 ground dog units chasing a man who stole a potato

Am I missing something?
Reactions: 45bvtc, jimojameso and CHEZ
Somebody at Audi suggested a tracker may increase the chances of getting car back... If mine was stolen and rogered I would NOT want it back.
I had an car stolen a good few years ago by guys in balaclavas. It was trackered and the cops located it within half an hour parked up nicely in a back street. There was nothing wrong with it and I had it for a good few years after that. No claim on the insurance, all good. Career thieves know it might be trackered so they leave it in a back street for a few days and only move them on if no-one turns up to collect it. Eventually the gang got tracked down and put away.
Reactions: patters
Get gap insurance and leave the keys visible near the door. Much better to lose your car than have a family member or yourself injured.
I know this is true, but I can't help but think that if people put up a bit of resistance a bit more often and the crims might think twice about whether it's worth it. As it is, it's easy pickings.
Any car thief worth their salt will have a tracker jammer, they can be bought for about £30 and will jam any GPS signal until they can locate the tracker with a tracker finder device. Also believe it or not in the crazy world of car insurance some policies actually INCREASE with a tracker all though most don't, their excuse is if your car is deemed desirable enough and you are worried about it being stolen where you are or park then it must be higher risk.
From what I've heard a disclock on the steering wheel is one of the best deterrents and it's a visual one too, also a lockable post blocking the driveway.
The most important thing though is to be SEEN to be doing something to deter future break ins, thieves will know that you obviously earn good money and will miss the car, and that the insurance will pay out so the chances of you being back in a nice car soon is high, they also now know you have no dog, the layout of your downstairs, your security measures etc so will almost certainly be back for a scout in the next few months for sure

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