stereotypical Audi driver article

That's a heart attack waiting to happen. He's got himself so worked up over something so trivial
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That's a heart attack waiting to happen. He's got himself so worked up over something so trivial
It made me laugh - I fit into the TT, private plate and works van crew categories!!!! Lol!
Have to agree with all his views / experiences.
His Number 1 is spot on !!
Love his final lines:

A mate of mine that used to sell car insurance has always described Audi A3 owners as ‘estate agents in Golf denial’.
Another guy I know who is a traffic copper says that the recognisable four-ringed badge helps the police to quickly identify any w***ers out on the road. As for the Audi TT, they are making it far too easy for us – Total T**ts.

Still wish that there was an option button to "hide" the four rings on occasion.
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Have to agree with all his views / experiences.
His Number 1 is spot on !!
Love his final lines:

A mate of mine that used to sell car insurance has always described Audi A3 owners as ‘estate agents in Golf denial’.
Another guy I know who is a traffic copper says that the recognisable four-ringed badge helps the police to quickly identify any w***ers out on the road. As for the Audi TT, they are making it far too easy for us – Total T**ts.

Still wish that there was an option button to "hide" the four rings on occasion.
I laughed out loud at the article and I agree too! Seeing as I'm one of the Total T*** fraternity it's even worse - as not only do I have the four rings to identify me - I have a tail that only goes up automatically at speeds over the national limit!!!! Ok it's a spoiler but I like to call it a tail haha!!! And I have a private plate of which I am hugely proud and sometimes drive a works van full of Maccy D burger boxes and cups!!!! So I'm beyond help lol :frowning::grimacing::tearsofjoy::yellowrs4:!!!
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I'm pretty knackered then as I own an A4 and a TT.

Seriously that writer needs a blow job more than just about any person alive. Might just cheer the miserable sod up
I'm pretty knackered then as I own an A4 and a TT.

Seriously that writer needs a blow job more than just about any person alive. Might just cheer the miserable sod up
Nah - I reckon he's a closet Audi driver - or a wanabee!!! Haha!!
Ok just spotted this thread so thought I'd have a read. Wish I hadn't now though as what an absolute be**end that guy was. :rage:

This statement was the first thing that got me slightly peeved: "If I was really comfortably off, I would drive a BMW,"

What is that even supposed to mean?!
There were plenty of BMW's I could have afforded and I even looked at a few BMW 135i M Sports and a BMW M5 before getting my S3 but in the end the Audi won me over with it's great interior, styling & performance.

Everyone's entitled to an opinion of course but that guy is so far off the mark I just want to slap him around the face. Lol. :grinning:

Basically he sounds like the sort of idiot that thinks everyone who's Asian is good with computers, likes Maths & can't drive. Ha ha.

What a wally.
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