Redox deisal boost


New member
Dec 18, 2015
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Has anyone tried this redox deisal boost,if so- is it any good? Suppose to clean the injectors!
Lots of claims by Redex, Forte etc. I have no idea if they work, tried the Millers version some years ago but again no idea if it helped. Doubt if anyone can give you an informed answer on this.
i tried it, the one in a gold box, not sure if it did anything, certainly didnt make anything worse
Had a big thread on this subject on years ago, went on for hundreds of pages but no sensible outcome, hope this one doesn't end up like that.
i know i read up loads on there before buying any, no real conclusive evidence, dont thinnk my motor was all that well looked after before m,e so thought id treat it to some,

i think if you can use super duper diesel you dont need it, but as there is nowhere near me within 15 miles that i can get any I can only get supermarket fuel, so every 5k miles ill stick a bottle in just to help it out
i tried it, the one in a gold box, not sure if it did anything, certainly didnt make anything worse
Cheers for that,just was a bit nervous when I read the bottle n it said stick the whole bottle in,but I'm gonna give it a go!
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