Tilt seat base?


Registered User
Feb 1, 2014
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Is it possible to tilt the driver seat base forward and back? I can see how to raise it, slide it back and fore and adjust the back, but not how to tilt it. Is it possible? I don't have any optional extras over the standard black edition seats.
There should be 2 levers at the front of the seat. The lever for sliding back and forth and the other tilts the seat base. You should have it as I think it is standard on sports seats.
Reactions: allanmb
Thanks, I'll give that a go on the way home from work tonight
When you say no optional extras, do you mean the seat adjustment is manual rather than electric?
Yes my seat adjustment is manual apart form the lumbar support which is electric
As above. Should be a second leaver. Pull it up and push it down to lift and drop the front edge of the seat.
Got it thanks. Only problem is I want it to tilt further back, I already had it back as far as it went. I guess I must sit funny on the seat

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