Is Daytona the new Sepang ?


Registered User
Aug 21, 2010
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OK I have Daytona and love it. Even does not show the dirt.

Though it seems to me there are a lot of people ordering it now.... Thankfully very few S3's near me so still a bit exclusive . ...
Reactions: M1ke H and Jassyo06
OK I have Daytona and love it. Even does not show the dirt.

Though it seems to me there are a lot of people ordering it now.... Thankfully very few S3's near me so still a bit exclusive . ...
Well you will see more Daytona in the A3/S3 as it can be specified in either model Sepang of course is exclusive to the S3 only A3 range that is
My a4 v6 avant was in daytona.
I ****** loved it!
I love my Daytona. Had always wanted this colour but now it seems every man and his dog has it. Wife's A4 is white and it's a pain (and too common) looks good when clean. Trying to get the wife to buy a sepang S3 SB next.
I love my Daytona. Had always wanted this colour but now it seems every man and his dog has it. Wife's A4 is white and it's a pain (and too common) looks good when clean. Trying to get the wife to buy a sepang S3 SB next.
White is easy to look after, just wash it each week! No problems with scratches, swirls etc.

Try black!!!
Reactions: dolo and glospete
Black is the other colour I fancy. Murder to keep but looks brilliant when polished.
Daytona does hide the dirt really well, no question about it (though mine doesn't get much chance to get dirty!)...........however Sepang when properly polished has a shine second only to black!! Swings n roundabouts...............both great in their own way
Reactions: Jassyo06
Black is the other colour I fancy. Murder to keep but looks brilliant when polished.

l see more black S3's on the road than any other,closely followed by Red one's...then Sepang,then Daytona...its area dependant,S3's are less common up my way....Down South far more per size of population....hence you guys get better discounts
Most members are southerners to me! Anyway, it's a nice problem to have. New car in any colour is a great feeling. My own car arrived 3 weeks early and I was going to leave it at the dealers as I had a work trip coming up but I didn't last! A week later I called them and asked if I could collect!
Reactions: Rob2k68
In answer to the Op's question - 'Is Daytona the new Sepang ?'

Nope. Coz its not as nice!
What do you reckon @jassyo06 ?
Reactions: CybrHwk, Cymru09 and Jassyo06
Of course it's not, polls on here show for an S3 at least Sepang is the most popular colour.

However it beats me as to why that is?
Reactions: Rob2k68
I've just ordered an SQ5 plus, wanted daytona but it was a £2k option, settled for sepang 'cause it was 'free.'
Bricking myself that I've made the wrong choice and should have gone for a more discrete one!!!!
Reactions: Bristle Hound
Will take the 5th Amendment on that point Senator BH....incase...of any
@jassyo06 - Its a lonely place for me in Rightsville!
& here's me thinking you lot North of the border were 'brave'. Sheeesh!
Reactions: Jassyo06
I've just ordered an SQ5 plus, wanted daytona but it was a £2k option, settled for sepang 'cause it was 'free.'
Bricking myself that I've made the wrong choice and should have gone for a more discrete one!!!!
@Stevieb2905 - Made the right choice with the sepango my friend

Don't listen too the '50 shades of Audi grey' gang

Here's a pic of some sepango loveleness to keep you going

Reactions: Jassyo06 and SteveMcB
I prefer Daytona as a colour to Sepang, and would have Daytona on most Audi's over Sepang.
However on the S3 think Sepang suits the car better.
Ha, cheers Bristle, hadn't considered blue ( I'm a silver/ grey kind of guy - to match my hair ) until I saw one in the showroom. Ordered the colour fully expecting to bottle out but managed to hold my nerve - just- it's too late to change now!

Does it make me eligible to join the club?
Reactions: Bristle Hound and Jassyo06
but ye cannot beat this colour......BH.... off your exclusive thread....
Reactions: S., Simon L, Bristle Hound and 1 other person
Guessing it's the pearlescent paint but the daytona looks lighter in the photo and the sepang darker, almost merlin.
Both lovely though.
I hope not I've just ordered a Daytona S3, haven't seen a single one in my area, a fair few sepang though! Sepang looks great just a bit too common for my liking
Reactions: Simon L and Rob2k68
Seems like Daytona is the go to colour for saloon's.
I love sepang , and misuno but Daytona just seemed classy. My wife calls it grand dad grey. But then her dream car is a beetle !
Reactions: Simon L and Rob2k68
My old A1 was Daytona.

I then saw the errors of my ways, sorted my life out, and ensured I bought an S3 in the correct colour.
Reactions: Ben Daniel Grant, Daveotto and Rob2k68
Daytona purply pop :-

Reactions: Simon L and Jassyo06
Ha, cheers Bristle, hadn't considered blue ( I'm a silver/ grey kind of guy - to match my hair ) until I saw one in the showroom. Ordered the colour fully expecting to bottle out but managed to hold my nerve - just- it's too late to change now!
@Stevieb2905 - Good man!
Does it make me eligible to join the club?
Yup. to the exclusive (if a little common on 'certain' Audi models ) #teamsepang
Reactions: SteveMcB and Jassyo06
Yup. to the exclusive (if a little common on 'certain' Audi models ) #teamsepang [/QUOTE]

Wife signed me up to FB yesterday, I'm actually getting into it, now a member of this exclusive team, life is sweet!!

PS how do I go about getting the blue banner?
Need te give that car of yours a wax S32B.....Not Black Enough
lol wax! Been trying to wash it for the last two weekends but it's been raining, thought I'd do it today and it's raining again!!!
Reactions: Rob2k68 and Jassyo06
lol wax! Been trying to wash it for the last two weekends but it's been raining, thought I'd do it today and it's raining again!!!
Ye never know mate,it may brighten up today
Reactions: S32B and Rob2k68
Same as ! - now blowing a gale down here today so hope Santa doesn't have a head wind later !!!

Taking me boy to see Star Wars instead.
Reactions: Simon L, S32B and Jassyo06
Same as ! - now blowing a gale down here today so hope Santa doesn't have a head wind later !!!

Taking me boy to see Star Wars instead.
Star wars jammy ******, let me know how the movie is mate
Reactions: Simon L and Rob2k68
Ye never know mate,it may brighten up today
It already has ...not with the weather though! I forgot to get the wife the DKNY gift set she's been hinting at, so I dropped her off at work for 9 and then went to Boots to get it, it's gone on offer today: was £48 now £24 Hohoho

Star Wars is supposed to be fantastic, my wife doesn't want to see it nor do my mates wifes!!! A couple of us are off today and did mention about going to watch it together, then thought we'd look a right pair of queers! so we sacked it off lmao
Reactions: Rob2k68, SW14NY'S and Jassyo06
Star wars jammy ******, let me know how the movie is mate

It's a must see film mate need to go to the big screen to do it justice tho - I might have to go again to see it in 3D, we saw it in 2D today as glasses wouldn't fit little lad. Need to go buy a light sabre now ...... for me ;o)
Reactions: Jassyo06 and Simon L
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