BNS 5.0, phone, MFSW, bluetooth, Parrot - what's needed/cost?


Registered User
Jul 26, 2010
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Tried this in the ICE section but to no avail... Maybe you guys can help!?

I have a BNS 5.0 stereo in my S3 08 8P, I have a MFSW, and I have a Parrot CK3100 all plumbed in... I want to ditch the Parrot and hook up the phone to the unit, when I click the mode button on the MFSW the DIS says no function, or something like that.

Pressing "Tel" on the stereo it says no phone, or something like that.

Ideally I'd like to get the phone working through the stereo via bluetooth, or if I have to plug it in, so be it, and working from the MFSW... I have a Samsung Galaxy Alpha...

I'm happy to take it to an ICE shop, but I'd like to know what I will need parts wise, how this would work first, potential cost etc?

If anyone can shed any light, muchos appreciated!
Welcome to the site.

We supply/fit the Audi BT kit aswell as all the Audi OEM technology, ping me a message to discuss your requirements if of interest.
Welcome to the site.

We supply/fit the Audi BT kit aswell as all the Audi OEM technology, ping me a message to discuss your requirements if of interest.

Thanks I was looking to see what I could pick up SH so wanted to know what bits would be involved...
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