yourAudi - Track New Car Order

Handover was really good, got plenty of time to familiarise myself with the car then asked some set up questions. Spent about an hour in all with the car before setting off. Really happy with it in every way. In terms of freebies I was offered a pick of anything out of a range of stuff including an radio controlled car, wallets and usual Audi corporate stuff, my daughter was with me and liked the look of a cool Audi sport teddy. I had already got them to throw in a set of carpet mats and some other bits and bobs at late notice so didn't want to push them too hard.
Reactions: Spaceman_RS3
Hi guys ,

I'm regard to handover of your new car , what was the process? Any documents etc to sign?
yeah, there's a tonne of paperwork you need to sign. It felt never ending
Reactions: h1r4
yeah, there's a tonne of paperwork you need to sign. It felt never ending
Oh my , any idea what there was? Finance? Reg? What else!

So much paper I just want my car to arrive already and drive it!

Hoorah it's arrived, pick up on Saturday.

That looks like an R8 under that sheet, maybe they won't notice their error.
Reactions: Krusovice
I just asked my dealer for any prediction on a collection date, and this is what he sent me:

I have checked the status of your vehicle this morning and can confirm that the car is now built and on its way from the factory.

I won't be able to put a timescale on delivery at this stage, until I have a transport order from the Port telling me when the car will be dispatched to us. I can confirm that the car could be at the port of exit for up to 21 days (maximum) and up to 10 days at the UK Port before being sent to us - it all depends on shipping dates and transport orders - equally well it could be here in a week.

I will confirm when I know more - please also bear in mind from the date we receive notice that the vehicle is arriving with us, we will need to get the finance documents signed at least 24 hours before handover, and we will need 2 days once it has arrived to get the Pre-Delivery Inspection, Road Test and Valet completed.

Whilst I would love the car as soon as possible, I'm not in a MEGA rush as I need to advertise and sell my current car. Although if needs be, I could have both at home whilst my current one sells.

Not long to go now... Exciting!!
Reactions: Krusovice and h1r4
Just ordered the 190 SLine Tfsi and being keen to know a likely build date I followed the Your/my Audi process and clicked in the appropriate link to give my build week. However when I scroll down to the bottom of the order it does not state a build week. It states the order was made 12/04/16 and the tracking status on My Audi is still on the Welcome tab.

Question is is this normal or should I be worried that they have processed the order correctly or maybe the dealer is holding off processing the sale/order so it falls into may for their figures? Any thoughts / answers gratefully received etc
Reactions: h1r4
You wont normally get a build week until a couple / few weeks after the order is placed (if it is a brand new order and not a spec change of an existing stock order) so nothing to worry about. You should get a build date shortly and this will likely change a few times until it changes to Status 20.

I think im right saying that but im sure others will confirm for you too

Hope this helps
Reactions: hedgehog
Sounds reassuring, Many thanks Mr Mag
Do Audi normally give out free things at handover? Or is this dealer dependant?
What things are normally offered?

Never had a brand new car before so it's all new to me.

I presume that if I've requested my car not to be washed and prepp'd, then I won't get the grand 'unveiling' in the showroom and probably just get it 'round the back'?
Anybody got any experience of this?

My car is due to get built week beginning 9 May and dealership reckon I won't get the car until around 19 June. Does this sound about right?
And it looks like my car has been sold so it will be going shortly. I'm really going to miss it!

So it looks like I'm going to have a month and a half without a car. Not that I can drive at the moment with a broken foot!
Reactions: h1r4
Mine was build week 11/04 and it arrived in the UK yesterday. Im hoping next week ill be able to collect. Hopefully that gives you an idea.
Mine left Inglostadt on the 8th I think but it only passed QC on the 11th, so there is something a bit odd there.
It seems to have taken under 3 weeks to get to the dealer.

I have always been given a freebee like an umbrella or last time it was an Audi LED torch.
Reactions: ScottishA4B9

Got a free bottle of champagne.

I collected my S4 with minimum prep. The dealer jet washed it only. I still collected it from the show room. I examined the paint carefully and found nothing of concern.
Reactions: ScottishA4B9
@scotty76 I would be happy with just a jet wash. Then I'm driving it straight back to detail it and seal the paint and to wait overnight for it to cure.

It's going to be hard knowing I have it and can't drive it! Lol
Reactions: scotty76
Im on Status 40 Any of you guys have any idea how long it will take to get to the dealer?

Thanks All
Reactions: ScottishA4B9

My car (probably along with yours) is at status 38 (I think at the port of Emden (Deeme)), the African Highway is currently sitting there and it's last 2 destinations were Sheerness.
Fingers crossed, our cars will be on it and set off in the next day or two - in theory we should have them within 2 weeks, maybe 1?
I hope not too much wishful thinking, but others seemed to get theirs quick recently?
Reactions: h1r4 and iambu

I got a couple of decent enough bottles of wine and bunch of flowers for the missus
Reactions: ScottishA4B9
My car is at Status 20 (Still build week 19 though!-wish it would come forward). Anybody know what this means?
That's preparation?
If mine and others are anything to go by, this time next week you should see it moves to the next stage 'Panel shop' and through to Quality Control on Monday 9/5, as I said this is the pattern mine and others have followed - no guarantees!
I think Status 20 means your build week is now confirmed and wont change. Im not 100% sure on that but going off what i have read that seems to be the case
Found this on another thread..

Order Status 00 - Welcome
Order Status 10 - Order Received
Order Status 20 - Preparation
Order Status 21 - Panel Shop
Order Status 22 - Paint Shop
Order Status 23 - Assembly
Order Status 24 - Quality Control
Order Status 30 - 'Your Audi has left Ingolstadt'
Order Status 39 - 'Your Audi is in the UK'
Order Status 40 - Ready for transport to the dealer (Website displays "Your new Audi is on its way to <DEALER>")
Order Status 60 - Left the UK Port on the way to the dealer (Website displays "Your new Audi is on its way to <DEALER>")
Order Status 70 - Arrived at dealer - Call to make your collection plans

Seems the website doesn't distinguish between status codes 40 and 60.
That's handy, thanks.
Mine is currently status 38, I think it means at the port?? or maybe on the boat but not left, same thing I guess.
There is clearly the status 'On the way to the uk' too, as shown on the 'YourAudi' page.
When mine changed to 38 i believe that it either meant it was on a ship or at least booked in on to one. The grey bar didn't move from your Audi has left until it was on status 40 when it then changed to arrived in the UK.... or if it did i missed it.
Just been told by dealer today that status 38 means it's "at the port awaiting shipment"...which is where mine is now.
Keep an eye on those trackers, African Highway is at Emden, sailing for Sheerness at 0130 tomorrow, 1700 est arrival.
I have no idea how many cars they get on the boat but as mine only arrived at the port in the last 24 hours or so, I guess it is wishful thinking to expect it to be on there, back of the queue and all that...

...what will I do when I have the car, no more tracking etc.?, oh yes, drive it!
Reactions: iambu
@Krusovice Haha, thanks for the updates, keep 'em coming! I think we may both be thinking wishfully that our B9's are on it, but you never know!
Excellent, I found it good to see something actually moving, other than the mini Audi jumping from panels shop to paint etc!
If we see status 40 tomorrow it will be a miracle!
Reactions: iambu
Excellent, I found it good to see something actually moving, other than the mini Audi jumping from panels shop to paint etc!
If we see status 40 tomorrow it will be a miracle!

Fingers crossed eh!
Hey guys, I was just like you this weekend just gone. Its the same African Highway which goes to Grimsby and Sheerness. I think it can hold 8500 vehicles!

But thats all brands under the VW name and also some Mercedes too! The online tracker is a little hit and miss, seems to be behind a day or two. Some say it updates at 1am, but i have found it doesn't and can update during the day too!

Mine was at Emden for a week, and now its in Grimsby. So you have a god chance yours are on the way too. If you call Audi UK, ask them to speak to the sales office for a more accurate update and they will give you it. I spoke to Nick and he was extremely helpful, gave me the ship details too.

Now just waiting for the call as soon as the transporter manifest comes through! My car is also getting detailed (will be doing it myself as I am a keen detailer) so dealer has been advised to not touch it! haha

It will surely get more grubby on my 200 mile journey home with this great British weather we have right now!
Status 39, on its way to UK!
The miracle happened!

Yes I just saw this!! Came on here to message you but you beat me to it!
My body woke me up from deep sleep, spooky, it must have known that I should check the website!
Back to sleep for me....
Reactions: ScottishA4B9
Weirdly I woke with a feeling that I should check the tracker....
Can't believe the build date was Monday 25th and 4 days later it's in the UK!
Let's just hope that UK logistics don't co#k it all up, that German efficiency!
Reactions: iambu

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