How much more acceleration can we take?


Registered User
Apr 21, 2015
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So I've been wondering how much quicker cars can get and what the limit is until we faint or die.

I've done some reading and apparently fighter jet pilots experience 10G's of force without fainting so that would translate in a 0-353 km/h in one second if I am not mistaken.

An Alpha Omega GTR which is probably the quickest street legal car today would require over 11 seconds to reach such a speed so is it safe to say that we are still very far away from what the supercars of tomorrow will offer in terms of acceleration and top speed?
Remember that pilots have special suits to prevent them passing out. The g force required would be less than that otherwise. Limiting factor will probably be tyres to get the power down.
Are you asking two questions here.

1. No road car is ever going to take you to the limit of fainting or dying. There are too many weak points before it gets to that stage. Can you imagine tyres that can handle even 5g? Me neither.

2. Yeah there will probably be improvements. There are always improvements. But unless Alien tech goes mainstream I dont think were gonna make groundbreaking advances any time soon. Have you heard of Moore's Law? I think it could kinda be relevant here.
Back in the golden age, there were similar worries about breaking the 100 mile an hour barrier too.

Now there's OAPs doing it in Micras like it ain't nothing
Remember that pilots have special suits to prevent them passing out. The g force required would be less than that otherwise. Limiting factor will probably be tyres to get the power down.

Not all aircraft have the capability for the pilot to wear an Anti-G suit, small stunt planes such as a 'pitts special' can, and, frequently pull in excess of 10G in a display without pilot aid. Abdominal and leg muscle exercises are the key to preventing G induced loss of conciousness.

I don't think this will ever be a problem in a car, as previously said, factors such as tyres and road surface will be a limiting factor.
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