Supply and demand


Registered User
Apr 21, 2009
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Given some of the recent posts on placing orders and the advised build dates (or not in some cases). Do you think that Audi will increase the production of the RS3?

It seems quite obvious to me that there is a great demand on them and given the advised timescales when ordering, that must be putting a lot of potential customers off? Or could you see them increasing the price....good old supply and demand.
Or, they could be trying to make it seem like demand is outstripping supply to create a buzz and get people interested.
Reactions: GRE57Y
Audi are quite happy for people to have long lead times in my experience. It keeps the brand value high which they like.
They wouldn't sell half as many cars at the prices they do if the residuals were not so good (thanks to high demand) making PCP attractive.
There appears to be a significant reduction in RHD RS3 builds through July and August. Not sure why, but the number of cars being built BW 28 - BW36 is very low, according those on the various forums who have reported BWs. One rumours that they are retooling, but nothing substantiated.
They shut down for three weeks in August. Nothing will be built in this time right or lhd.
Just had an interesting phone call from my dealer sales manager in the last half hour. I'm 'borrowing' their RS3 for an extended test drive over the weekend - and he wanted to check on the pickup time.

He also said that the dealership had received a letter today from Claire Mist, Factory Production Manager at Audi UK regarding the RS3. The essence of the letter is that they are acutely aware of the long waits for many customers RS3s, and they are actively working through with Ingolstadt how to improve the situation. One measure they would appear to be taking is to pull all 'dealer and supplier stock' orders (of which there appears to be quite a few) from the production schedule until all customer orders have been satisfied. It is hoped that this will, in some measure, prioritise customer orders and reduce the BW/delivery delays by some margin. ........ lets see what happens!

He was also at pains to say that they would continue to honour the PX deal agreed with me on my S3, even through that was originally based on an anticipated 3 month delivery time from first order in April, regardless of how long it actually takes for the car to get here. I think that he was keen for me to continue to hold on our deal, than possibly cancel due to the long wait.

I'm looking forward to wasteing a tank full of fuel over the weekend!
Reactions: Snake Pliskin, geo_nr1, Yorrick and 1 other person
Well at least they are acknowledging the issue, and it sounds like your dealer truly values your custom which is nice!
Reactions: Nimbus265 and Sandra
We can only hope Nimbus. I would have thought that honouring customer orders first should be a priority as a matter of course. but what do I know. Surely the best form of marketing is to get cars out there on the road in customers hands.
Reactions: Nimbus265
Interesting update. I would just be keen to hear a BW first and if it comes forward, happy days!
Well this will have me well and truly screwed over then as mine was ordered as a stock car in April to supposively secure me the earliest possible delivery as I was the first to order here.
So now if this is the case i might never get a f-cking bw...
Situation goes from bad to worse!
My dealer sent a link to me earlier which required his login details. Didn't get access but the link was based on "“New stock management procedures for RS 3, TT and Q7
Restrictions to help meet customer demand”.

I'm guessing it's similar if not the thing that Nimbus talks about.
Reactions: Nimbus265
Considering the Euro exchange rate they should be falling over to sell in the UK to get our luverly great British pounds
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