When road rage bites back...

So, I'm driving round Apex corner today, aka death roundabout, north London. I get cut up by a golf...no biggie, sh*t happens. I drive round the guy and he attempted to dart back into my lane AGAIN. This time there wasn't enough room for him so he started shouting, giving hand signals, you know the usual 'big one' people give.

So I jumped out and he drove at me, smashed into my open
door...and I got a bit angry.

He locked his doors, and preceded to poop his pants. He tried getting away so I chased him and blocked him further up the road. Called the police, he tried blaming me of course.

The police ripped his story to bits and he admitted he started it in the end. He said his wife was pregnant and he was scared. So I asked why he was cutting people up, and starting fights if his wife was indeed pregnant.

Now all because I thought I'd scrap this d*ckhead my car got messed up.

I feel like a proper nob now.

Not going through insurance. Even though it's his fault he was going to blame me regardless. That would make it go 50/50 in the eyes of the insurance company and my premium will only go up more next year. So I got the statement from the police incase he decides to claim.

I say this next bit without prejudice. He was Eastern European, and thought he'd drive off and get away with it and I guess he kind of did in the end.

A lesson learnt today!
You jumped out on a roundabout ?
I bore people with this Stephen Cameron and Kenneth Noye is a prime example on why to stay in the car but when the red mist descends its hard not to.
Not surprised on who it was.
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Not surprised either. Had a big burly trucker jump out his cab at me on the Raith Interchange at Strathy Park. I stayed in car and caught it on dash cam. Reported him to his company and got letter of apology back. As you say, you never know who will jump out of the car!
My policy always is, would you scream and shout at someone in the street for stepping infront of you accidentally? No you wouldn't. So don't do it in a car! Especially with cameras everywhere now.
Good on you for admitting your part in it. Most would simply come on and mouth about the other guy!
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Feel for you mate, I'm also from London and there are loads of these kind of drivers around. I would be pretty ****** if they are clearly in the wrong and try to make it out that it's my fault! It's a shame that your door got damaged in the process. How much work do you reckon will be needed to repair it? Hinges all good?
No independent witnesses prepared go back up your statement?
You guys are right. I did lose it, and I think I'm cool headed these days.

There will always be stupid drivers, especially in London.

I came out worse off. My biggest thing was getting him shopped for no insurance...he did try driving off after all.

Oh well...

It's getting repaired next week. It won't cost me, it's just the hassle.
Never get of your car in anger.

We had a plumber working at our house once installing a central heating system. He got a little annoyed with someone who cut him up while he had the kids in the car. So he followed the guy and while the traffic was stood still he got out. He had a "chat" and was wagging his finger at the other driver. During the conversation he accidentally with just his finger tip knocked the guys glasses off.

Couple of hours later he gets the old bill at the door and is arrested for assault. It went to court. But at court the guy he "hit" stood up told the court what the bloke "did". But on questioning and looking at the photo evidence it turned out that he was lying, something like being hit in the right eye, but the photograph was the left eye. Turned out he had raided his missus make up bag. So the case was thrown out.

But he called the guy who got out of the car and gave him 100 hours community service for road rage. Simply put if he hadn't got out he wouldn't of got the community service.
I'd say that you don't need to be a foreigner to be a douchebag. But then I'm a bit biased, seeing as I am one. I guess it is easy to lay blame at someone's differences rather than them just being a crappy human being.
I've just had a moment of rage. But it only involved swearing and a few hand gestures. Some idiot in a Mitsubushi 4x4 pick up driving so close all I could see was bonnet. I had a learner In front on a 30 road which the police frequently mobile speed trapped. He thought he was funny and even waved. I've a photo my son took of him waving with his reg in full few view. Pointless as the police would do nothing. I'd like to ask him, what if someone you loved was in a car with someone doing the same ?
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