Knocking noise on acceleration in low gear

Oct 5, 2014
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Rugby, Warwickshire
Evening guys,

I've had my A3 Sportback for about 4 months now and have been driving it actively for 2.

I have noticed that when I first get in the car after not driving over night I can hear a knock upon acceleration in 1st and 2nd gear. When I accelerate I hear a knock, ease right off the pedal and another knock, back on and the same knock.

After driving for about 5 minutes this knock goes away, it defintiely sounds like it's coming from the front.

I'm no mechanic and have 5/100 points of knowledge when it comes to cars but it may be something to do with rods\bushes or something along those lines?

Any ideas?

Many thanks,
I am having a similar problem, but mine happens only when my steering wheel is slightly turned to the right and I press the accelearator pedal in 1st/2nd gears. It doesn't fade away after 5mins nor ever for that matter.
could be anything really, what i would do is when stationary put in first gear with the handbrake hard on. Take up the bite on and off whilst someone looks under the bonnet to see if they can pinpoint where the noise is coming from.
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Could be driveshaft?
Is the knocking isolated to either the driver or passenger side?
Engine/gearbox mounts, sounds like.

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