What a day to forget!


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
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So driving to Dunbar via Edinburgh on Friday still unsure whether to buy or not (although had transferred funds in to current account), but the wife just would not let up. Buy it if you want but I want something in return, here we go I thought this is going to cost me. In the end it would cost me too much "buy the car if you want but you need to promise not to so much as even look at another car for at least 18months" what said I, are you having a laugh. Turns out she has been suffering in silence. We agreed that if I was still not sure then it was not the right move. No regrets get the car you want, is this the car you want, no said I! So what do you want? An A6 Avant 3.2 Petrol like this one http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201410078018030/sort/default/radius/1500/engine-size-cars/3l_to_3-9l/model/a6/onesearchad/used,nearlynew,new/page/3/make/audi/fuel-type/petrol/usedcars/postcode/eh483qa?logcode=p
Well do it. So I duly put the foot down as I past Sherrifhall roundabout and never went to the original garage selling the A6's. All good I thought but ten ins later, plod were up my bum in a X5 lit up light Blackpool illuminations. They had been sitting on a slip road behind bushes so you can't see them from the dual carriageway and happy Greg shot past doing 91mph! That will be 3points and £100 please! ****! :-(
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£1000 WOW HOLY SH*T that is a lot of money I thought they were pulling our legs when there were talk of these big fines for speeding, I may think twice now about setting the cruise to higher than the speed limit now
Actually typo! Got carried away again! £100
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