Wrong Fuel In My Audi A3 And Then Drove For 205 Miles!!! Please Help


Registered User
Sep 5, 2014
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The fools mistake!!!

I put 30 quid worth of unleaded into my diesel Audi A3 and drove 205 miles. I filled this up and 2 days later when i went to drive home it wouldn't start. After the AA looking at it and them not knowing what was wrong?? they got it started for me and i was on my way home. I got there and decided to ask my neighbor to have a look as he is a mechanic, he old me straight away i had put petrol in instead of diesel. He told me to go and fill it up at the local garage with diesel supreme the good stuff and also but an injector cleaner to put in there aswell which i did. I have been driving my car for the last week and its not great but as the days go on its starting normal and not so sluggish now. As you can imagine i am worried about the future implications of this! and that in time this could cost me a lot of money!!! I'm wondering what sort of damage has been done and if there is anything i can do to stop my car dying on me anytime soon?
Yeah, keep filling it up with diesel.

That is literally all you can do.
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IIRC the derv acts as a lubricant to the fuel pump etc... if ran for any amount of time the fuel pumps can wear and cause failures further down the line..

yeah i am going to but i am worried about my fuel system i.e injectors etc?
So you can either replace it all at massive cost, or you can just keep filling it with diesel and see what fails.

There really aren't any other options, you either spend money replacing lots of things or if it runs and is improving then keep driving it and putting lots of diesel in it. Fill it up as often as you can.
hi thanks a lot tuffty and 16klappe for your feedback :)
Done the same once but was less fuel.

It should be o.k as you need to keep filling it up with Diesel it should eventually be o.k
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thanks everyone will just keep filling it up and hope that its does not cost me a fortune in the end :(
yeah i am going to but i am worried about my fuel system i.e injectors etc?

Assuming its a PD engine 100bhp or 130bhp you are unlikely do do any damage. The injectors should be fine, if anything the solvent properties of petrol will likely give them an the fuel system a good clean.

It would be a good idea to change the fuel filter after a few more tanks of diesel. The petrol will likely dissolve and loosen the muck at the bottom of the fuel tank and it will be dragged through the pipes and collect in / block the fuel filter. I have seen this many times when people start using bio-diesel, that has solvent properties too.
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Hi jim thanks a lot I will keep filling it up and it's booked in for a service anyways so will get the relevant filters changed :)

Thanks for your feedback it's helpful :D
Diesel engines compress the fuel to burn it, petrol shouldn't be compressed in the same manner.

Other risks include damage to piston rings and other components.

Monitor your vehicle closely, particularly coolant usage