indicators stopped working


Registered User
Dec 23, 2005
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mot is booked tomorrow and had a look at a dodgy hazard light switch that somtimes decides not to work. i took it apart and cleaned contacts etc put it back together and it's back to good working condition. took the car around the block and i now have no indicators!!!

what have i done!?
there is a chance i've bridged 2 of the contacts when testing it. could this have blown something? all fuses are ok.
any suggestions....... car is 1996 a4 1.9tdi
i'm really desperate for some help guys.....
i've had the hazard switch open again and done loads of tests while it was plugged. if i could at least get the indicators working again i can drive the car. no change. do the indicators have their own seperate relay? could i have blown this?

i reckon that the turn relay is knackered and i also think that the relay is part of the hazard switch.......

can anyone confirm this for me please?

I think the relay for the indicators is part of the hazard switch. Shame you don't own a BMW the indicators never work on them anyway,lol
if it is the same as the b5 shape passat, which it is, indicator relay is part of hazard switch. and quite a common fault on the passat's.
thanks guys

i'll buy a new switch and see how i go.
time to go hunting on ebay!

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