S3 Rear Discs & Pads DIY - A Little Info.


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Jun 23, 2013
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Hi Guys

Just thought I'd share my recent experience of doing this on the S3, as I did not find anything S3 specific on the internet.

I've done countless jobs on all my own and friends/family cars (I'll only stick a car into a garage for big stuff like clutch etc), and pads/discs I've done more times than I'd care to count. Very easy job on any car 95% of the time, and doesn't usually require anything other than standard tooling, and a rewind tool when doing rears.

Well, I must say on this car it was more difficult than I imagined! I ploughed straight in and soon found that to remove the caliper carrier I needed a special tool. Well not special as such, but non-standard for the average toolbox I would guess.

The tool required is a short M14 Spline bit (like this):

My local toolshop only had a long bit (which seemed to be more common when looking), but as access is so tight on the S3 (Quattro's also I imagine) you MUST buy a short bit otherwise you foul on one of the beams. I ended up buying a complete set of Goodyear bits from Amazon on 24hr delivery, as the price for the whole set was only double that of buying the one I needed. The 24 delivery option was a lifesaver (ordered Saturday arrived Sunday)! Well done Amazon!

So the following day all set with the correct tooling I pressed on. Just as I though access was very tight. Using a 1/2 breaker bar, which is about 450mm in length (just right for the wheel arch), I had just enough space to get the splined bit inside the head of the top bolt and crack it ever-so slightly, before moving the splined bit back a single tooth, and repeating again and again, before I could easily wind the bolt out. They are torqued up very tight, and you'd struggle to crack without the breaker bar. Bottom bolt was easier.

The pain is all the various linkages, shock, driveshaft and hanging caliper are all in the way at some point! But with some persistence the job is easily done - nothing complicated about it - it's just tight in there and that was what took the time.

So for anyone looking to do the job in the future - get the spline bit ordered and be prepared for a bit of awkwardness, took me 3 hours to do both sides, although that did include cleaning the inside of the rear wheel barrels before refitting, a couple cuppas and cleaning up afterwards.

Hope this may help any DIYers in the future
Glad you got it done mate.
Every vag car I've done I've found them bolts really tight and as you say access isn't great.
Glad you got it done mate.
Every vag car I've done I've found them bolts really tight and as you say access isn't great.
Cheers mate. Just thought I'd post so that anyone googling 'S3 rear disc DIY' might find this and be able to prepare themselves for what they're up against and ensure they have the right tooling beforehand. Armed with all that it's straightforward. When I started I assumed it'd be like the BMWs I'm used to working on, where there is plenty of space and no need for anything other than a simple spanner and socket set.

After a bit more research after I posted the above, it seems on the non-quattro A3 models you can remove the disc without removing the carrier - it slides out with just the caliper removed apparently! The bigger 310mm x 22mm S3 disc means getting the carrier off via those splined bolts is essential.
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