Bird poo & sunshine


Registered User
Jun 9, 2009
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Hi All

Not too sure if this has been asked/covered but during the day a bird decided to crap onto my bonnett and with the direct sunlight & heat, yep a nice little burn mark (what I think it is).

Any advice on how to get rid of the burn mark? Will try and get a pic up loaded, sorry if the pic is bad.
There has been some interesting work done by Autoglym on this recently. They found that, contrary to perceived wisdom, the mark isn't caused by the acidity of the droppings, but simply by the action of the sun's heat causing the paint to deform and mould itself to the shape of the dropping. This is really clearly shown in your photo.

So... Will leaving it alone in the hot sun cause the paint to eventually flatten itself? What might happen if the paintwork was heated using a hot-air gun?
Once I got home I left the car in the shade to cool down and used the bird wipes from Autoglym and then after saw this.

When I move my finger over if, it feels smooth so nothing flaking off so hoping it will just leave that mark, which doesn't bother me that much but, eh.

I've removed mine the lunchtime after so plenty of baking heat using the same wipes and been ok, just effort as was all over bonnet and roof !

What LSP are you using? as that can make a big difference in the prevention of paint damage from fallout.
I've removed mine the lunchtime after so plenty of baking heat using the same wipes and been ok, just effort as was all over bonnet and roof !

What LSP are you using? as that can make a big difference in the prevention of paint damage from fallout.

What is LSP, sorry not too sure what it stands for.
A good sealant / wax combo would have probably prevented this damage.

The Mrs parks the S3 on a business park that's infested by seagulls. Their do do's are evil and occasionally the car is left in the sun baking their crap on. Haven't had an issue with a good few layers of sealant and wax on. My company BMW which I do not detail has the odd poo blemish.

I would say Meguiars scratch X would sort this and some elbow grease. Got a lot of experience with this and found this stuff is gentle enough to remove the blemish with our causing swirl or marring.

Good luck with it.
Thanks Pulp84, I'll give that a try with the Meguiars scratch X. many thanks for the help.
Reactions: Pulp84
Mate had the same issue last week, bird poo thread
I had pretreated with Autoglym products but due to heat, 26C, had the same issue as yourself.
In the end I used the Autoglym products to remove all wax and polish and bought Meguiara compound, a bit of work with this and it's now 99.97% gone.
Then used my already purchased products to polish and wax. I find it extremely hard to see it now, only certain angles in certain sunlight and even then it's just a extremely slight dullness, but every other angles looks as good as new.
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Just noticed part of my detailing kit (clay) comes with the autoglym rapid detailer.

I had been using this solely to keep the clay moist and haven't used I since (3 months)

I take it this is the type of sealant you guys are talking about?

So after detailing and before next wax (2 months) use the detailer after each wash to protect the wax?

New to this, previous car got the non brush car wash treatment, but I want to keep this beauty tip top!
You would need something with a bit more "ba11s" to it, than a rapid detailer, to protect from Bird Poo.

Would suggest a good polymer sealant, such as Menzerna Power Lock, or, if you're a wax kinda guy, a good Collinite / Swissvax or similar.
Reactions: steviedr
Having a lot of good results with Angels wax Ti-22 sealant. Brodster is the guy to get it from - he runs who sell the Angel wax products. He is usually lurking in the "detailing" thread of the site. Its only £12.95 which is a bargain for the protection it adds.....
Reactions: steviedr
I know it's not the thread for discussing it but would you seal and then wax or just double coat with sealant?
Personally I seal with Polymer Sealant, then wax on top. This gives a real depth to the shine, plus it has lots of protection.
Reactions: steviedr and Pulp84
I know it's not the thread for discussing it but would you seal and then wax or just double coat with sealant?

Sealants need to go on after polishing as they need to bond directly to the paintwork. Ideally you should wipe the car down with IPA after polishing and then apply the sealant.

Some people like wax some like sealants, personally I'm a collinite 476 fan.
Reactions: steviedr and Pulp84
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