Aftermath of a Car meet in plymouth last night

Just read this on the Herald website, there do seem to be quite a lot of the "real" boy racer contingent in Plymouth. Sad really because it just makes everyone, irrespective of their attitude and how the behave, look bad. Can only see the police clamping down on meets like this.
Sounds to me that you didn't see it with your own eyes..

Anyway, well done for bringing it to everyone's attention and making Plymouth look even worse, it's not all jap and fords, I nearly got knocked over 5 mins before by an edition 30 just as I was crossing the strip.
unfortunately, one persons inability to handle a car tars everyone with the same brush, its true to the same here in the west midlands, ive been organising cruises and open days for 6 yrs now, never really had any issues, but the original poster is mostly right, its usually the ford and jap lot that like to show off, the kids in the polos and lupos dont get up to anything
Thankfully I didn't see it, I left a matter of minutes beforehand, not into all the burnout malarkey personally, belongs on the track not on a road surrounded by unprotected people.

Most of the vag crowd are too low to be able to go anywhere fast :') and it hardly makes Plymouth look worse, it was 1 guy that couldn't keep his **** together and tried to show off, seems to happen at most mixed car meets. Was only a few months back that a focus up country set on fire after bouncing off the limiter for a few mins and ruined it. Only takes one to ruin it for everyone.

but if you go on the stoc forum then they blame the vag and bmw lads
if you go on the bmw forums they blame the vag and ford lads.

theres idiots in every car brand I have audis iv got a high power ST and a M5 I drive them all the same a different brand doesn't make me drive different.
To be fair at the last meet there were a few mk4 golf's trying to give it beans up the strip, I stayed away from the strip this time. the VAG crowd probably are just as bad at trying to be have a go hereos at the mixed meets, but at the VAG only meets down here we really don't get it so much, mostly just people slowly scraping over speed bumps and cleaning their cars all day

And I'm going to be bias, as you said, everyone blames each other if their loyal to one brand
"Car cruising usually involves groups of people gathering in car parks to watch drivers speeding, driving in convoy, racing other vehicles and performing stunts." - what a load of s**t. This is such an inaccurate definition of a car meet. There are always a small minority that feel they have something to prove that put a bad name against us all. Grr.

P.s. It's a Fiesta Zetec S not an ST Sorry, had to say it..
yea typo on that, i used to have a zetec s as well! very briefly though.
that paragraph annoyed the crap outta me, the article on the herald website is a bit better today and doesn't make car meets look so bad
One spectator told the Plymouth Herald there had been children in prams and families among the crowd.

This above is my favourite statement from the paper ...... This gives Plymouth a bad name lol, 22:00 pm on a Saturday and they take their kids in prams to a boy racer meet , LOL

Gets on my nerves. As soon as you mention you're a car enthusiast so many people stereotype you as a baseball cap wearing inbred with a car covered in fibreglass and neons.

Jeremy Vine clearly doesn't have the first idea what he's talking about and most of the negative comments were from people pandering to the stereotype rather than having first hand experience
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In Coventry there is a static petrolhead meet every Wednesday,they deal closely with the local Police and it works fine.

I saw the footage of this and its shocking.
Just out of interest was anyone actually seriously injured? Like broken bones etc?? I hope not .......... But if they were some seriously injured parties surely the driver would be looking at doing time, also surely his insurance does not cover him for shows or street racing which this could be deemed as by the police?

It's a bit ridiculous how close everyone was standing too . I wouldn't of stood that close, when I've been to meets in the past I keep well out the way of the drifters and show boaters . Because of incidents like this I won't go now, only got to gti international or aitp etc properly organised shows.

Things like this that seriously puts me off going to local car meets... that video was awful, hope all involved are OK.
Pretty sure his insurance will find a way out of paying out for this, it was held on private ground but accessible by road to the public so i believe normal traffic laws apply

There has always been a police presence at these meets, and there was at this one, they tend to drive around the car park and back out again quite often, supposedly they are not being outright banned but the police want to get involved and work with organizers to make them safer now. Still think i'll stick to attending organised shows or smaller meets now, this has put me off.

Here's a picture of the worst injured person (after leaving hospital), and the related article, everyone seems to have got away quite lightly compared to what could have happened. I have heard of someone having to go back for a checkup on their foot because it may have to be operated on so there may have been broken bones that haven't been reported in the press.

Teen Megan Whitlock injured in car cruise horror crash is released from hospital | Plymouth Herald
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even with the injuries, she's still better looking than most I have seen in Plymouth

jokes aside, proper d*ckhead behaviour

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